A Novel Nested Circular Microphone Array and Subband Processing-Based System for Counting and DOA Estimation of Multiple Simultaneous Speakers
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  • 作者:Ali Dehghan Firoozabadi ; Hamid Reza Abutalebi
  • 关键词:Simultaneous speakers localization ; Speakers number estimation ; Nested microphone array ; Subband processing ; Direction of arrival (DOA) ; Generalized cross correlation (GCC)
  • 刊名:Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:February 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:35
  • 期:2
  • 页码:573-601
  • 全文大小:2,516 KB
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  • 作者单位:Ali Dehghan Firoozabadi (1)
    Hamid Reza Abutalebi (1)

    1. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Yazd University, Pajuhesh St., Safaieh, Postal Box: 89195-741, Yazd, Iran
  • 刊物类别:Engineering
  • 刊物主题:Electronic and Computer Engineering
  • 出版者:Birkh盲user Boston
  • ISSN:1531-5878
This paper addresses the topic of simultaneous speaker localization. The work is related to the generalized cross-correlation (GCC)-based methods for estimating the direction of multiple speakers. Considering the defects of GCC-based direction of arrival (DOA) estimation methods, we have applied several modifications to improve our previous subband processing-based system for the localization of simultaneous speakers. Three modifications have been presented in this paper. In the first step, the DOA estimation method is equipped with a front-end block that determines the number of speakers based on K-means clustering and silhouette criterion. This block provides the true number of speakers for the DOA estimator. Secondly, in order to eliminate the spatial aliasing, we propose a novel nested circular microphone array. In the proposed array design, each microphone pair is only used in appropriate subband according to its inter-microphone distance. In the third step, to overcome the weakness of GCC-phase transform (GCC-PHAT) in noisy and noisy-reverberant conditions, we propose a SNR estimation block. So, we can separate noisy and reverberant conditions and use PHAT filter for reverberant conditions and maximum likelihood filter for noisy situations. The proposed method has been evaluated on both simulated and real multi-speaker speech data in various environmental conditions and different number of speakers. Our evaluations in terms of DOA accuracy demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method compared to the fullband and baseline subband methods.

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