Geoelectrical and hydrogeological study to delineate the geological structures affecting the groundwater occurrence in Wadi El Khariq Basin, Northwest El Maghara, north Sinai, Egypt
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  • 作者:Mohamed A. Khaled ; Ayman M. Al Tammamy…
  • 关键词:Structure geology ; Groundwater condition ; Vertical electrical soundings (VES) ; 2D imaging ; Wadi El Khariq ; Sinai
  • 刊名:Arabian Journal of Geosciences
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:April 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:9
  • 期:4
  • 全文大小:4,425 KB
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  • 作者单位:Mohamed A. Khaled (1)
    Ayman M. Al Tammamy (1)
    Mostafa S. Barseem (1)
    Ahmed N. El Sayed (1)
    El Sayed A. El Abed (2)

    1. Geophysical exploration department, Desert Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
    2. Geology Department, Desert Research Center, 1 St. Matahaf El Matariya, El Matariya, Cairo, Egypt
  • 刊物类别:Earth and Environmental Science
  • 出版者:Springer Berlin Heidelberg
  • ISSN:1866-7538
Wadi El Khariq has a vast area that can be reclaimed. Upper Jurassic carbonates represent the main aquifer. The Desert Research Center has a pilot station in Wadi El Khariq that suffers from water deficiency. Therefore, the drilling of new wells is needed. As fault zones make fracture conduits for groundwater, detecting these faults is a vital process. Therefore, this study aims to trace the existing subsurface structures and their impact on groundwater occurrence. The interpretation of the results of the vertical electrical soundings leads to the detection of five geoelectrical layers. The third and fourth layers correspond to fractures and argillaceous limestone represents the water-bearing layers. The interpretation of the results of the eight 2D electrical resistivity tomography profiles gave more illustrative information about the lateral facies changes, the structures effect along the study area, distribution of the different types of water-bearing limestone, and the depth to their top. The deduced structures from electrical study are represented by the faults F1–F6. The faults F1 and F2 are confirmed from both 1D and 2D imaging profiles. The fault plains of F1, F2, F5, and F6 are continuous between the measured imaging profiles. The 2D imaging profiles revealed that the clay content increase eastwards. The correlation results of the natural gamma and lithological logs of the drilled wells as well as the constructed hydrogeological profiles revealed that the area of study affected by another group of faults (F6–F12). These faults affect on the groundwater occurrence and quality. These faults lead to the formation of graben and horst structures, lateral facies changes, variation in layers thickness, and the occurrence of the fractured limestone layer lying beneath the calcareous clay at variable depths. Most of the detected faults in the study area have NW–SE trends coinciding with the lineation analyses of the faults and fractures of El Khariq basin.

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