Pick reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. In particular, we exhibit uncountably many discs in the ball of \(\ell ^2\) which are multiplier biholomorphic but have non-isomorphic multiplier algebras. We also show that there are closed discs in the ball of \(\ell ^2\) which are varieties, and examine their multiplier algebras. In finite balls, we provide a counterpoint to a result of Alpay, Putinar and Vinnikov by providing a proper rational biholomorphism of the disc onto a variety \(V\) in \({\mathbb {B}}_2\) such that the multiplier algebra is not all of \(H^\infty (V)\) . We also show that the transversality property, which is one of their hypotheses, is a consequence of the smoothness that they require." />
Multipliers of Embedded Discs
详细信息    查看全文
  • 作者:Kenneth R. Davidson ; Michael Hartz…
  • 关键词:Non ; selfadjoint operator algebras ; Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces ; Multiplier algebra ; Isomorphism problem ; Embedded discs ; 47L30 ; 47A13 ; 46E22
  • 刊名:Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:February 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:9
  • 期:2
  • 页码:287-321
  • 全文大小:366 KB
  • 参考文献:1. Agler, J., McCarthy, J.: Complete Nevanlinna–Pick Kernels. J. Funct. Anal. 175, 111-24 (2000) CrossRef
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  • 刊物类别:Mathematics and Statistics
  • 刊物主题:Mathematics
    Operator Theory
  • 出版者:Birkh盲user Basel
  • ISSN:1661-8262
We consider a number of examples of multiplier algebras on Hilbert spaces associated to discs embedded into a complex ball in order to examine the isomorphism problem for multiplier algebras on complete Nevanlinna-a href='/search?dc.title=Pick&facet-content-type=ReferenceWorkEntry&sortOrder=relevance' class='reference-link webtrekk-track' gaCategory="Internal link" gaLabel="Pick" gaAction="reference keyword">Pick reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. In particular, we exhibit uncountably many discs in the ball of \(\ell ^2\) which are multiplier biholomorphic but have non-isomorphic multiplier algebras. We also show that there are closed discs in the ball of \(\ell ^2\) which are varieties, and examine their multiplier algebras. In finite balls, we provide a counterpoint to a result of Alpay, Putinar and Vinnikov by providing a proper rational biholomorphism of the disc onto a variety \(V\) in \({\mathbb {B}}_2\) such that the multiplier algebra is not all of \(H^\infty (V)\) . We also show that the transversality property, which is one of their hypotheses, is a consequence of the smoothness that they require.

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