The effect of adding rituximab to CHOP-based therapy on clinical outcomes for Japanese patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: a propensity score matching analysis
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  • 作者:Hisakazu Nishimori (1)
    Keitaro Matsuo (2)
    Yoshinobu Maeda (1)
    Yuichiro Nawa (3)
    Kazutaka Sunami (4)
    Kazuto Togitani (5)
    Hidetaka Takimoto (6)
    Yasushi Hiramatsu (7)
    Toru Kiguchi (8)
    Tomofumi Yano (9)
    Hiromichi Yamane (10)
    Takayuki Tabayashi (11)
    Makoto Takeuchi (12)
    Masanori Makita (13)
    Nobuo Sezaki (14)
    Yoshiko Yamasuji (1)
    Haruko Sugiyama (1)
    Takahiro Tabuchi (1)
    Itaru Kataoka (1)
    Nobuharu Fujii (1)
    Fumihiko Ishimaru (1)
    Katsuji Shinagawa (1)
    Kazuma Ikeda (1)
    Masamichi Hara (3)
    Tadashi Yoshino (15)
    Mitsune Tanimoto (1)
  • 关键词:Non ; Hodgkin’s lymphoma ; DLBCL ; Rituximab ; CHOP ; Survival
  • 刊名:International Journal of Hematology
  • 出版年:2009
  • 出版时间:April 2009
  • 年:2009
  • 卷:89
  • 期:3
  • 页码:326-331
  • 全文大小:201KB
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  • 作者单位:Hisakazu Nishimori (1)
    Keitaro Matsuo (2)
    Yoshinobu Maeda (1)
    Yuichiro Nawa (3)
    Kazutaka Sunami (4)
    Kazuto Togitani (5)
    Hidetaka Takimoto (6)
    Yasushi Hiramatsu (7)
    Toru Kiguchi (8)
    Tomofumi Yano (9)
    Hiromichi Yamane (10)
    Takayuki Tabayashi (11)
    Makoto Takeuchi (12)
    Masanori Makita (13)
    Nobuo Sezaki (14)
    Yoshiko Yamasuji (1)
    Haruko Sugiyama (1)
    Takahiro Tabuchi (1)
    Itaru Kataoka (1)
    Nobuharu Fujii (1)
    Fumihiko Ishimaru (1)
    Katsuji Shinagawa (1)
    Kazuma Ikeda (1)
    Masamichi Hara (3)
    Tadashi Yoshino (15)
    Mitsune Tanimoto (1)

    1. Division of Hematology and Oncology, Okayama University Hospital, Shikata-cho 2-5-1, Okayama, Okayama, 700-8558, Japan
    2. Division of Epidemiology and Prevention, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute, Nagoya, Japan
    3. Department of Hematology-Oncology, Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital, Matsuyama, Japan
    4. Department of Hematology, National Hospital Organization Okayama Medical Center, Okayama, Japan
    5. Department of Hematology and Respiratory Medicine, Kochi Medical School, Nangoku, Japan
    6. Department of Hematology, Kochi Medical Center, Kochi, Japan
    7. Department of Hematology and Immunology, Kobe Nishi City Hospital, Kobe, Japan
    8. Department of Internal Medicine, Kagawa Rosai Hospital, Marugame, Japan
    9. Department of Hematology, Okayama Rosai Hospital, Okayama, Japan
    10. Department of Internal Medicine, Sumitomo-Besshi Hospital Cancer Center, Niihama, Japan
    11. Department of Internal Medicine, Chugoku Central Hospital, Fukuyama, Japan
    12. Department of Hematology, National Hospital Organization Minami-Okayama Medical Center, Hayashima, Japan
    13. Department of Internal Medicine, Saiseikai Nakatsu Hospital, Osaka, Japan
    14. Department of Internal Medicine, Kure Kyosai Hospital, Kure, Japan
    15. Division of Pathology, Okayama University Hospital, Okayama, Japan
We conducted a retrospective analysis to evaluate the impact on clinical outcomes of adding rituximab to cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (CHOP) treatment for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients in Japan. A propensity score method was used to compensate for the non-randomized study design. From January 2000 to December 2004, 378 patients who were newly diagnosed with DLBCL at 13 institutes were enrolled: 123 in the rituximab plus CHOP-based chemotherapy (R+) group, and 255 in the CHOP-based chemotherapy only (R? group. The complete response rate was significantly higher in the R+ group than in the R?group (77.7 vs. 69.4%, P?<?0.001). The progression-free survival (PFS) at 2?years was 62.4% in the R+ group and 57.0% in the R?group. The 2-year overall survival (OS) was 76.9% for the R+ group and 70.5% for the R?group. A multivariate analysis revealed that the addition of rituximab was a strong independent prognostic factor for PFS (hazard ratio 0.64, 95% CI 0.43-.96, P?=?0.031). A subgroup analysis revealed that R+ particularly benefited younger patients (hazard ratio 0.25, 95% CI 0.08-.75, P?=?0.013). IPI also showed significant impact for PFS (hazard ratio 1.82, 95% CI 1.55-.14 for one score increase, P?<?0.001) as well as OS (hazard ratio 2.10, 95% CI 1.71-.57, P?<?0.001). In summary, the addition of rituximab to CHOP-based chemotherapy results in better outcomes for Japanese DLBCL patients, particularly younger patients.

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