Explosion and linear transit times in infinite trees
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  • 作者:Omid Amini ; Luc Devroye ; Simon Griffiths…
  • 关键词:Mathematics Subject Classification60K35 ; 60C05 ; 60G55 ; 60J80 ; 05C80
  • 刊名:Probability Theory and Related Fields
  • 出版年:2017
  • 出版时间:February 2017
  • 年:2017
  • 卷:167
  • 期:1-2
  • 页码:325-347
  • 全文大小:<len>
  • 刊物类别:Mathematics and Statistics
  • 刊物主题:Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes; Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics; Quantitative Finance; Mathematical and Computational Biology; Statistics for Business/Economics/Mathem
  • 出版者:Springer Berlin Heidelberg
  • ISSN:1432-2064
  • 卷排序:167
Let T be an infinite rooted tree with weights \(w_e\) assigned to its edges. Denote by \(m_n(T)\) the minimum weight of a path from the root to a node of the nth generation. We consider the possible behaviour of \(m_n(T)\) with focus on the two following cases: we say T is explosive if $$\begin{aligned} \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }m_n(T)\, &lt;\, \infty \,, \end{aligned}$$and say that T exhibits linear growth if $$\begin{aligned} \liminf _{n\rightarrow \infty }\, \frac{m_n(T)}{n}\, > \, 0\,. \end{aligned}$$We consider a class of infinite randomly weighted trees related to the Poisson-weighted infinite tree, and determine precisely which trees in this class have linear growth almost surely. We then apply this characterization to obtain new results concerning the event of explosion in infinite randomly weighted spherically-symmetric trees, answering a question of Pemantle and Peres (Ann Probab 22(1), 180–194, 1994). As a further application, we consider the random real tree generated by attaching sticks of deterministic decreasing lengths, and determine for which sequences of lengths the tree has finite height almost surely.Mathematics Subject Classification60K3560C0560G5560J8005C80References1.Addario-Berry, L., Griffiths, S., Kang, R.J.: Invasion percolation on the Poisson-weighted infinite tree. Ann. Appl. Probab. 22(3), 931–970 (2012)MathSciNetCrossRefMATHGoogle Scholar2.Addario-Berry, L., Reed, B.: Minima in branching random walks. Ann. Appl. Probab. 37, 1044–1079 (2009)MathSciNetCrossRefMATHGoogle Scholar3.Aïdekon, E.: Convergence in law of the minimum of a branching random walk. Ann. Probab. 41(3A), 1362–1426 (2013)MathSciNetCrossRefMATHGoogle Scholar4.Aïdekon, E., Shi, Z.: The Seneta–Heyde scaling for the branching random walk. Ann. Probab. 42(3), 959–993 (2014)MathSciNetCrossRefMATHGoogle Scholar5.Aldous, D.J.: The continuum random tree I. Ann. 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