Functional roles of the pepper RING finger protein gene, CaRING1, in abscisic acid signaling and dehydration tolerance
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  • 作者:Chae Woo Lim ; Byung Kook Hwang ; Sung Chul Lee
  • 关键词:Abscisic acid ; CaRING1 ; Dehydration ; Pepper ; Transgenic plant
  • 刊名:Plant Molecular Biology
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:September 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:89
  • 期:1-2
  • 页码:143-156
  • 全文大小:1,399 KB
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  • 作者单位:Chae Woo Lim (1)
    Byung Kook Hwang (2)
    Sung Chul Lee (1)

    1. Department of Life Science (BK21 Program), Chung-Ang University, Seoul, 156-756, Korea
    2. School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul, 136-713, Korea
  • 刊物类别:Biomedical and Life Sciences
  • 刊物主题:Life Sciences
    Plant Sciences
    Plant Pathology
  • 出版者:Springer Netherlands
  • ISSN:1573-5028
Plants are constantly exposed to a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses, which include pathogens and conditions of high salinity, low temperature, and drought. Abscisic acid (ABA) is a major plant hormone involved in signal transduction pathways that mediate the defense response of plants to abiotic stress. Previously, we isolated Ring finger protein gene (CaRING1) from pepper (Capsicum annuum), which is associated with resistance to bacterial pathogens, accompanied by hypersensitive cell death. Here, we report a new function of the CaRING1 gene product in the ABA-mediated defense responses of plants to dehydration stress. The expression of the CaRING1 gene was induced in pepper leaves treated with ABA or exposed to dehydration or NaCl. Virus-induced gene silencing of CaRING1 in pepper plants exhibited low degree of ABA-induced stomatal closure and high levels of transpirational water loss in dehydrated leaves. These led to be more vulnerable to dehydration stress in CaRING1-silenced pepper than in the control pepper, accompanied by reduction of ABA-regulated gene expression and low accumulation of ABA and H2O2. In contrast, CaRING1-overexpressing transgenic plants showed enhanced sensitivity to ABA during the seedling growth and establishment. These plants were also more tolerant to dehydration stress than the wild-type plants because of high ABA accumulation, enhanced stomatal closure and increased expression of stress-responsive genes. Together, these results suggest that the CaRING1 acts as positive factor for dehydration tolerance in Arabidopsis by modulating ABA biosynthesis and ABA-mediated stomatal closing and gene expression. Keywords Abscisic acid CaRING1 Dehydration Pepper Transgenic plant

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