Randomized Approximation for the Set Multicover Problem in Hypergraphs
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  • 作者:Mourad El Ouali ; Peter Munstermann ; Anand Srivastav
  • 关键词:Combinatorial optimization ; Approximation algorithms ; Randomized algorithm ; Hypergraphs ; Set cover and set multicover
  • 刊名:Algorithmica
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:February 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:74
  • 期:2
  • 页码:574-588
  • 全文大小:440 KB
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  • 作者单位:Mourad El Ouali (1)
    Peter Munstermann (1)
    Anand Srivastav (1)

    1. Department of Computer Science, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, 24118, Kiel, Germany
  • 刊物类别:Computer Science
  • 刊物主题:Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity
    Theory of Computation
    Mathematics of Computing
    Computer Systems Organization and Communication Networks
    Data Structures, Cryptology and Information Theory
  • 出版者:Springer New York
  • ISSN:1432-0541
Let \(b\in {\mathbb {N}}_{\ge 1}\) and let \({\mathcal {H}}=(V,{\mathcal {E}})\) be a hypergraph with maximum vertex degree \({\varDelta }\) and maximum edge size \(l\). A set \(b\)-multicover in \({\mathcal {H}}\) is a set of edges \(C \subseteq {\mathcal {E}}\) such that every vertex in \(V\) belongs to at least \(b\) edges in \(C\). \({\textsc {set }}\, b\text {-}{\textsc {multicover}}\) is the problem of finding a set \(b\)-multicover of minimum cardinality, and for \(b=1\) it is the fundamental set cover problem. Peleg et al. (Algorithmica 18(1):44–66, 1997) gave a randomized algorithm achieving an approximation ratio of \(\delta \cdot \big (1-\big (\frac{c}{n}\big )^\frac{1}{\delta }\big )\), where \(\delta := {\varDelta }- b + 1\) and \(c>0\) is a constant. As this ratio depends on the instance size \(n\) and tends to \(\delta \) as \(n\) tends to \(\infty \), it remained an open problem whether an approximation ratio of \(\delta \alpha \) with a constant \(\alpha < 1\) can be proved. In fact, the authors conjectured that for any fixed \({\varDelta }\) and \(b\), the problem is not approximable within a ratio smaller than \(\delta \), unless \({\mathcal {P}}={\mathcal {NP}}\). We present a randomized algorithm of hybrid type for \({\textsc {set }}\, b\text {-}{\textsc {multicover}}\), \(b \ge 2\), combining LP-based randomized rounding with greedy repairing, and achieve an approximation ratio of \(\delta \cdot \left( 1 - \frac{11({\varDelta }- b)}{72l} \right) \) for hypergraphs with maximum edge size \(l \in {\mathcal {O}}\left( \max \big \{(nb)^\frac{1}{5},n^\frac{1}{4}\big \}\right) \). In particular, for all hypergraphs where \(l\) is constant, we get an \(\alpha \delta \)-ratio with constant \(\alpha < 1\). Hence the above stated conjecture does not hold for hypergraphs with constant \(l\) and we have identified the boundedness of the maximum hyperedge size as a relevant parameter responsible for approximations below \(\delta \). Keywords Combinatorial optimization Approximation algorithms Randomized algorithm Hypergraphs Set cover and set multicover

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