The relative influence of forest loss and fragmentation on insectivorous bats: does the type of matrix matter?
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  • 作者:Annia Rodríguez-San Pedro ; Javier A. Simonetti
  • 关键词:Habitat fragmentation ; Habitat loss ; Landscape matrix ; Insectivorous bats ; Scale ; dependent responses
  • 刊名:Landscape Ecology
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:October 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:30
  • 期:8
  • 页码:1561-1572
  • 全文大小:1,021 KB
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  • 作者单位:Annia Rodríguez-San Pedro (1)
    Javier A. Simonetti (1)

    1. Departamento de Ciencias Ecológicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile
  • 刊物类别:Biomedical and Life Sciences
  • 刊物主题:Life Sciences
    Landscape Ecology
    Plant Ecology
    Forestry Management
    Plant Sciences
  • 出版者:Springer Netherlands
  • ISSN:1572-9761
Context Disentangling the relative effects of forest loss versus fragmentation on species distribution and abundance is crucial for adopting efficient biodiversity conservation actions, which could change with the nature of the landscape matrix.

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