Biogenic silicate accumulation in sediments, Jiazhou Bay
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  • 作者:Li Xuegang (1)
    Song Jinming (1)
    Dai Jicui (1)
    Yuan Huamao (1)
    Li Ning (2)
    Li Fengye (1)
    Sun Song (1)
  • 关键词:biogenic silicate ; accumulation ; limiting factor ; Jiazhou Bay
  • 刊名:Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
  • 出版年:2006
  • 出版时间:September 2006
  • 年:2006
  • 卷:24
  • 期:3
  • 页码:270-277
  • 全文大小:685KB
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  • 作者单位:Li Xuegang (1)
    Song Jinming (1)
    Dai Jicui (1)
    Yuan Huamao (1)
    Li Ning (2)
    Li Fengye (1)
    Sun Song (1)

    1. Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 266071, Qingdao, China
    2. The Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100039, Beijing, China
  • ISSN:1993-5005
It has been widely recognized that low silicate content in seawater is a major limiting factor to phytoplankton primary production in Jiaozhou Bay. However the reason of Si-limitation remains poorly understood. In the present study we measured the biogenic silicate content and discussed the accumulation of silicate in Jiaozhou Bay sediment. The results show that the biogenic silica content in the sediment of the Jiaozhou Bay is obviously much higher than those in the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea. The Bsi:TN ratios and BSi:16P ratios in the sediment are>1 and the OC:BSi ratio in sediment is lower than these of Redfield ratio (106?6), indicating that the decomposition rate of OC is much higher than that for BSi in similar conditions. Therefore, the majority of the biogenic silicate was buried and thus did not participate in silicate recycling. Silicate accumulation in sediment may explain why Si limits the phytoplankton growth in the Jiaozhou Bay. Comparing the flux of biogenic silicate from sediments with primary production rate, it can be concluded that only 15.5% of biogenic silicate is hydrolyzed during the journey from surface to bottom in seawater, thus approximate 84.5% of biogenic silicate could reach the bottom. The silicate releasing rate from the sediment to seawater is considerably lower than that of sedimentation of biogenic silicate, indicating silicate accumulation in sediment too. In a word, the silicate accumulation in sediment is the key reason of silicate limiting to phytoplankton growth in Jiaozhou Bay.

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