Hemodialysis Decreases Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Concentration in Humans
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  • 作者:Jerzy A. Zoladz (1) (1)
    Micha? ?migielski (2)
    Joanna Majerczak (1)
    ?ukasz R. Nowak (3)
    Justyna Zapart-Bukowska (1)
    Olgierd Smoleński (2) (4)
    Jan Kulpa (3)
    Krzysztof Duda (3)
    Joanna Drzewińska (5)
    Grzegorz Bartosz (5)
  • 关键词:Ageing ; BDNF ; Kidney disease ; Isoprostanes ; Oxidative stress ; Cortisol
  • 刊名:Neurochemical Research
  • 出版年:2012
  • 出版时间:December 2012
  • 年:2012
  • 卷:37
  • 期:12
  • 页码:2715-2724
  • 全文大小:304KB
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  • 作者单位:Jerzy A. Zoladz (1) (1)
    Micha? ?migielski (2)
    Joanna Majerczak (1)
    ?ukasz R. Nowak (3)
    Justyna Zapart-Bukowska (1)
    Olgierd Smoleński (2) (4)
    Jan Kulpa (3)
    Krzysztof Duda (3)
    Joanna Drzewińska (5)
    Grzegorz Bartosz (5)

    1. Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Rehabilitation, University School of Physical Education Kraków, al. Jana Pawla II 78, 31-571, Kraków, Poland
    2. Dialysis Center Fresenius Nephrocare II, Rydygier Hospital, os. Z?otej Jesieni 1, 31-826, Kraków, Poland
    3. Center of Oncology, M. Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Institute, Kraków Division, ul. Garncarska 11, 31-115, Kraków, Poland
    4. Department of Clinical Rehabilitation, Faculty of Rehabilitation, University School of Physical Education Kraków, al. Jana Pawla II 78, 31-571, Kraków, Poland
    5. Department of Molecular Biophysics, University of ?ódz, ul. Banacha 12/16, 90-237, ?ódz, Poland
  • ISSN:1573-6903
In the present study we have evaluated the effect of a single hemodialysis session on the brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in plasma [BDNF]pl and in serum [BDNF]s as well as on the plasma isoprostanes concentration [F2 isoprostanes]pl, plasma total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and plasma cortisol levels in chronic kidney disease patients. Twenty male patients (age 69.8?±?2.9?years (mean?±?SE)) with end-stage renal disease undergoing maintenance hemodialysis on regular dialysis treatment for 15-1?months participated in this study. A single hemodialysis session, lasting 4.2?±?0.1?h, resulted in a decrease (P?=?0.014) in [BDNF]s by ~42?% (2,574?±?322 vs. 1,492?±?327?pg?ml?). This was accompanied by an increase (P?<?10?) of [F2-Isoprostanes]pl (38?±?3 vs. 116?±?16?pg?ml?), decrease (P?<?10?) in TAC (1,483?±?41 vs. 983?±?35 trolox equivalents, μmol?l?) and a decrease (P?=?0.004) in plasma cortisol level (449.5?±?101.2 vs. 315.3?±?196.3?nmol?l?). No changes (P?>?0.05) in [BDNF]pl and the platelets count were observed after a single dialysis session. Furthermore, basal [BDNF]s in the chronic kidney disease patients was significantly lower (P?=?0.03) when compared to the age-matched control group (n?=?23). We have concluded that the observed decrease in serum BDNF level after hemodialysis accompanied by elevated [F2-Isoprostanes]pl and decreased plasma TAC might be caused by enhanced oxidative stress induced by hemodialysis.

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