Relaxed selection causes microevolution of seawater osmoregulation and gene expression in landlocked Alewives
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  • 作者:Jonathan P. Velotta (1)
    Stephen D. McCormick (2)
    Rachel J. O’Neill (3)
    Eric T. Schultz (1)
  • 关键词:Alosa pseudoharengus ; Anadromy ; Na+/K+ ; ATPase activity ; Physiological ecology ; Salinity challenge
  • 刊名:Oecologia
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:August 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:175
  • 期:4
  • 页码:1081-1092
  • 全文大小:519 KB
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  • 作者单位:Jonathan P. Velotta (1)
    Stephen D. McCormick (2)
    Rachel J. O’Neill (3)
    Eric T. Schultz (1)

    1. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, 75 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3043, Storrs, CT, 06269, USA
    2. USGS, Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center, Turners Falls, MA, 01376, USA
    3. Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 06269, USA
  • ISSN:1432-1939
Ecological transitions from marine to freshwater environments have been important in the creation of diversity among fishes. Evolutionary changes associated with these transitions likely involve modifications of osmoregulatory function. In particular, relaxed selection on hypo-osmoregulation should strongly affect animals that transition into novel freshwater environments. We used populations of the Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) to study evolutionary shifts in hypo-osmoregulatory capacity and ion regulation associated with freshwater transitions. Alewives are ancestrally anadromous, but multiple populations in Connecticut have been independently restricted to freshwater lakes; these landlocked populations complete their entire life cycle in freshwater. Juvenile landlocked and anadromous Alewives were exposed to three salinities (1, 20 and 30 ppt) in small enclosures within the lake. We detected strong differentiation between life history forms: landlocked Alewives exhibited reduced seawater tolerance and hypo-osmoregulatory performance compared to anadromous Alewives. Furthermore, gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity and transcription of genes for seawater osmoregulation (NKCC—Na+/K+/2Cl?/sup> cotransporter and CFTR—cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) exhibited reduced responsiveness to seawater challenge. Our study demonstrates that adaptations of marine-derived species to completely freshwater life cycles involve partial loss of seawater osmoregulatory performance mediated through changes to ion regulation in the gill.

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