Existence of Homoclinic Solutions for Nonlinear Second-Order Problems
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In this work, we consider the second-order discontinuous equation in the real line,$$u^{\prime \prime}(t)-ku(t) = f( t, u(t), u^{\prime}(t)), \quad a.e.t \in \mathbb {R},$$with \({k > 0}\) and \({f : \mathbb{R}^{3} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}}\) an \({L^{1}}\)-Carathéodory function. The existence of homoclinic solutions in presence of not necessarily ordered lower and upper solutions is proved, without periodicity assumptions or asymptotic conditions. Some applications to Duffing-like equations are presented in last section.KeywordsHomoclinic solutionsproblems in the real lineGreen’s functionsupper and lower solutionsfixed point theoryMathematics Subject Classification34A3434B1534B40References1.Agarwal, R.P., O’Regan, D.: Infinite Interval Problems for Differential Difference and Integral Equations. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Glasgow (2001)2.Alessio, F., Caldiroli, P., Montecchiari, P.: On the existence of Homoclinic orbits for the asymptotically periodic Duffing equation. 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