Calculation of the Ecological Risk Index in the José Antonio Alzate Dam, State of Mexico, Mexico
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  • 作者:Edgar López-Galván (1)
    Icela Barceló-Quintal (2)
    Hugo E. Solís-Correa (2)
    Anne Laure Bussy (2)
    Pedro Avila-Pérez (3)
    Sergio Martínez Delgadillo (2)
  • 关键词:Metal ; Partition coefficient ; Ecological risk index ; Water quality criteria ; Alzate dam
  • 刊名:Biological Trace Element Research
  • 出版年:2010
  • 出版时间:June 2010
  • 年:2010
  • 卷:135
  • 期:1-3
  • 页码:121-135
  • 全文大小:327KB
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  • 作者单位:Edgar López-Galván (1)
    Icela Barceló-Quintal (2)
    Hugo E. Solís-Correa (2)
    Anne Laure Bussy (2)
    Pedro Avila-Pérez (3)
    Sergio Martínez Delgadillo (2)

    1. Departamento de Posgrado, Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca, Av. Tecnológico S/N, Col. Ex-rancho la Virgen, Metepec, State of México, Mexico
    2. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, UAM-A, Av. San Pablo 180. Deleg. Azcapotzalco, CP 02000, Mexico City, Mexico
    3. Gerencia de Ciencias Ambientales, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Apartado Postal 18-1027, 11801 DF., Mexico City, Mexico
Due to the problem of contamination in the Jose Antonio Alzate dam, located in the State of Mexico, Mexico, the partition coefficient, the contamination degree, and the ecological risk index of nine metals were calculated in order to establish the water quality in different areas of the Alzate dam. The sampling sites were selected according to the river flow into the dam, via three sampling programs, the physical–chemical parameters were measured in situ, and the samples were collected to measure metals in the dissolved phase and also as suspended particulate matter. Thomann’s model was used to calculate the partition coefficient. H?kanson’s methodology was used to determine the degree of contamination and the ecological risk index. Finally, the water quality criteria for the dissolved metals were calculated. The results for suspended particulate matter suggest a moderate risk of metal contamination in the dam. Copper and lead in dissolved form exceeded the values of water quality criteria.

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