Respiratory symptoms in children living near busy roads and their relationship to vehicular traffic: results of an Italian multicenter study (SIDRIA 2)
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  • 作者:Enrica Migliore (1)
    Giovanna Berti (2)
    Claudia Galassi (1)
    Neil Pearce (3) (4)
    Francesco Forastiere (5)
    Roberto Calabrese (1) (6)
    Lucio Armenio (7)
    Annibale Biggeri (8) (9)
    Luigi Bisanti (10)
    Massimiliano Bugiani (11)
    Ennio Cadum (2)
    Elisabetta Chellini (12)
    Valerio Dell'Orco (13)
    Gabriele Giannella (14)
    Piersante Sestini (15)
    Giuseppe Corbo (16)
    Riccardo Pistelli (16)
    Giovanni Viegi (17)
    Giovannino Ciccone (1)
  • 刊名:Environmental Health
  • 出版年:2009
  • 出版时间:December 2009
  • 年:2009
  • 卷:8
  • 期:1
  • 全文大小:794KB
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  • 作者单位:Enrica Migliore (1)
    Giovanna Berti (2)
    Claudia Galassi (1)
    Neil Pearce (3) (4)
    Francesco Forastiere (5)
    Roberto Calabrese (1) (6)
    Lucio Armenio (7)
    Annibale Biggeri (8) (9)
    Luigi Bisanti (10)
    Massimiliano Bugiani (11)
    Ennio Cadum (2)
    Elisabetta Chellini (12)
    Valerio Dell'Orco (13)
    Gabriele Giannella (14)
    Piersante Sestini (15)
    Giuseppe Corbo (16)
    Riccardo Pistelli (16)
    Giovanni Viegi (17)
    Giovannino Ciccone (1)

    1. Cancer Epidemiology Unit, AOU San Giovanni Battista Hospital -Center for Cancer Prevention (CPO Piedmont) and University of Turin, Via Santena 7, 10126, Turin, Italy
    2. Regional Environmental Protection Agency, Piedmont Region, ?, Via Sabaudia 164, 10095, Grugliasco, (Turin), Italy
    3. Centre for Public Health Research, Massey University Wellington Campus, PO Box 756, Wellington, 6140, NZ
    4. Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology, University of Turin, Via Santena 7, 10126, Turin, Italy
    5. Department of Epidemiology, Rome/E Local Health Authority, ?, Via di S. Costanza 53, 00198, Rome, Italy
    6. Department of Pediatrics, "Regina Margherita" Children's Hospital, University of Turin, P.zza Polonia 94, 10126, Turin, Italy
    7. I Pediatric Clinic, University of Bari, Piazza G. Cesare 11, 70124, Bari, Italy
    8. Department of Statistics, University of Florence, Viale Morgagni 59, 50134, Florence, Italy
    9. Unit of Biostatistics, Istituto per lo Studio e la Prevenzione Oncologica (ISPO), Via San Salvi 12, 50135, Florence, Italy
    10. Epidemiology Unit, Local Health, ?, Corso Italia 19, 20122, Milan, Italy
    11. Unit of Pneumology and Allergology, Local Health Authority TO-2, ?, Lungo Dora Savona 26, 10152, Turin, Italy
    12. Unit of Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology, Istituto per lo Studio e la Prevenzione Oncologica (ISPO), Via San Salvi 12, 50135, Florence, Italy
    13. Department of Prevention, Rome/G Local Health Authority -Tivoli Corso Garibaldi 7, ?, 00034, Colleferro (Rome), Italy
    14. Unit of Preventive Medicine, Local Health Authority, ?, Via Trento 6, 46100, Mantova, Italy
    15. Institute of Respiratory Diseases, University of Siena, Viale Bracci 3, 53100, Siena, Italy
    16. Department of Respiratory Physiology, Catholic University of Rome, Largo F.Vito 1, 00168, Rome, Italy
    17. CNR Institutes of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology, Palermo and of Clinical Physiology, ?, Pisa. Via Ugo La Malfa 153, 90146, Palermo, Italy
Background Epidemiological studies have provided evidence that exposure to vehicular traffic increases the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and may exacerbate pre-existing asthma in children. Self-reported exposure to road traffic has been questioned as a reliable measurement of exposure to air pollutants. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there were specific effects of cars and trucks traffic on current asthma symptoms (i.e. wheezing) and cough or phlegm, and to examine the validity of self-reported traffic exposure. Methods The survey was conducted in 2002 in 12 centers in Northern, Center and Southern Italy, different in size, climate, latitude and level of urbanization. Standardized questionnaires filled in by parents were used to collect information on health outcomes and exposure to traffic among 33,632 6- and 13-4 years old children and adolescents. Three questions on traffic exposure were asked: the traffic in the zone of residence, the frequency of truck and of car traffic in the street of residence. The presence of a possible response bias for the self-reported traffic was evaluated using external validation (comparison with measurements of traffic flow in the city of Turin) and internal validations (matching by census block, in the cities of Turin, Milan and Rome). Results Overall traffic density was weakly associated with asthma symptoms but there was a stronger association with cough or phlegm (high traffic density OR = 1.24; 95% CI: 1.04, 1.49). Car and truck traffic were independently associated with cough or phlegm. The results of the external validation did not support the existence of a reporting bias for the observed associations, for all the self-reported traffic indicators examined. The internal validations showed that the observed association between traffic density in the zone of residence and respiratory symptoms did not appear to be explained by an over reporting of traffic by parents of symptomatic subjects. Conclusion Children living in zones with intense traffic are at higher risk for respiratory effects. Since population characteristics are specific, the results of validation of studies on self-reported traffic exposure can not be generalized.

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