鈥淚 can actually be very feminine here鈥? contradiction and hybridity in becoming a female mathematician
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  • 作者:Yvette Solomon ; Darinka Radovic ; Laura Black
  • 关键词:Gender ; Contradiction ; Hybridity ; Leading identity
  • 刊名:Educational Studies in Mathematics
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:January 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:91
  • 期:1
  • 页码:55-71
  • 全文大小:382 KB
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  • 作者单位:Yvette Solomon (1)
    Darinka Radovic (2)
    Laura Black (2)

    1. Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, Brooks Building, Birley Fields Campus, 53 Bonsall Street, Manchester, M15 6GX, UK
    2. Manchester Institute of Education, Manchester University, Manchester, UK
  • 刊物类别:Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
  • 刊物主题:Education
    Mathematics Education
  • 出版者:Springer Netherlands
  • ISSN:1573-0816
A common theme in accounts of choosing mathematics is that of persistence in the face of troubles or difficulties which are often associated with the structuring effects of gender, class, culture and ethnicity. Centring on an analysis of one woman鈥檚 account of becoming a mathematician, we build on our understanding of multiple and developing identities with the aim of capturing the nature of individual challenge to structuring discourses and its implications for choice and participation in mathematics more generally. Inspecting how she talks about events in the past, present, and future, we expand on Leont鈥檈v鈥檚 (1978, 1981) notion of leading activity to explore how we organise and prioritise activities (and their related identities) within the context of Holland et al.鈥檚 (1998) theory of identity in practice, hybridity and world-making. We interrogate the part played by contradiction in creating a space for individual agency through its resolution in hybrid practices and its relation to social change, exploring how our informant narrates taking up mathematics 鈥渁gainst the odds鈥?as part of an ongoing process of 鈥渞e-writing鈥?herself into new imagined worlds. In providing an insight into how one individual envisages and enacts a different mathematics culture in which she can have a place, our analysis suggests ways forward in creating new, more inclusive, mathematics education. Keywords Gender Contradiction Hybridity Leading identity

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