Multivariate polynomial inequalities of different \({L_{p,W}(V)}\) -metrics with k-concave weights
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  • 作者:M. I. Ganzburg
  • 关键词:Mathematics Subject Classificationprimary 41A17 ; secondary 26D05
  • 刊名:Acta Mathematica Hungarica
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:October 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:150
  • 期:1
  • 页码:99-120
  • 全文大小:886 KB
  • 刊物类别:Mathematics and Statistics
  • 刊物主题:Mathematics
  • 出版者:Akad茅miai Kiad贸, co-published with Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Formerly Kluwer Academic
  • ISSN:1588-2632
  • 卷排序:150
Let W be a k-concave weight on an open convex set V in \({{\mathbb R}^m}\), \({k \in [0, \infty]}\), and let \({\mu_W}\) be the weighted measure on V generated by W with \({\mu_W(V) < \infty}\). We find lower and upper estimates of a constant A in the inequality (\({0 \leqq p < q \leqq \infty}\))$$\begin{array}{ll}\bigg(\frac{1}{\mu_W(V)}\int_V \big|P(x)\big|^{q} W(x) \, dx \bigg)^{1/q} \\ \leqq A(n, m, p, q, V, W)\bigg(\frac{1}{\mu_W(V)}\int_V \big|P(x)\big|^p W(x) \, dx\bigg)^{1/p},\end{array}$$where P is a polynomial of m variables of degree at most n. In the case of log-concave measures (k =  0) we improve estimates of A obtained by A. Brudnyi. For \({k \in (0, \infty]}\) estimates of A are new, and we show that they are sharp with respect to n as \({n \to \infty}\). The proofs are based on distributional inequalities for polynomials obtained by Nazarov, Sodin, Volberg, and Fradelizi. Two new examples for a generalized Jacobi weight on [−1, 1] and a multivariate Gegenbauer-type weight on a convex body are included.Mathematics Subject Classificationprimary 41A17secondary 26D05Key words and phrasesmultivariate polynomialpolynomial inequality of different metrics(1/d)-concave measurelog-concave measureReferences1.Bobkov S. G.: Remarks on the growth of L p-norms of polynomials. Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 1745, 27–35 (2000)MathSciNetCrossRefMATHGoogle Scholar2.Bobkov S. G.: Large deviations and isoperimetry over convex probability measures with heavy tails. Electron. J. Prob. 12, 1072–1100 (2007)MathSciNetCrossRefMATHGoogle Scholar3.S. G. Bobkov and F. L. Nazarov, Sharp dilation-type inequalities with fixed parameter of convexity, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 351 (2007), 54–78. Reprinted in J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.), 152 (2008), 826–839.4.Borell C.: Convex set functions in d-space. Period. Math. 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