Lineage, Sex, and Wealth as Moderators of Kin Investment
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  • 作者:Gregory D. Webster (1)
    Angela Bryan (2)
    Charles B. Crawford (3)
    Lisa McCarthy (3)
    Brandy H. Cohen (4)
  • 关键词:Genetic relatedness ; Inclusive fitness ; Inheritance ; Kin investment ; Lineage ; Prosocial behavior ; Resource allocation ; Wills
  • 刊名:Human Nature
  • 出版年:2008
  • 出版时间:June 2008
  • 年:2008
  • 卷:19
  • 期:2
  • 页码:189-210
  • 全文大小:318KB
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  • 作者单位:Gregory D. Webster (1)
    Angela Bryan (2)
    Charles B. Crawford (3)
    Lisa McCarthy (3)
    Brandy H. Cohen (4)

    1. Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, 603 East Daniel Street, Champaign, IL, 61820-6232, USA
    2. Department of Psychology/CASAA, MSC 03-2220, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 87131-1161, USA
    3. Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada
    4. Organizational Performance and Change, Colorado State University, Denver Center, Denver, CO, USA
Supporting Hamilton’s inclusive fitness theory, archival analyses of inheritance patterns in wills have revealed that people invest more of their estates in kin of closer genetic relatedness. Recent classroom experiments have shown that this genetic relatedness effect is stronger for relatives of direct lineage (children, grandchildren) than for relatives of collateral lineage (siblings, nieces, nephews). In the present research, multilevel modeling of more than 1,000 British Columbian wills revealed a positive effect of genetic relatedness on proportions of estates allocated to relatives. This effect was qualified by an interaction with lineage, such that it was stronger for direct than for collateral relatives. Exploratory analyses of the moderating role of benefactors-sex and estate values showed the genetic relatedness effect was stronger among female and wealthier benefactors. The importance of these moderators to understanding kin investment in modern humans is discussed.

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