Anterior column reconstruction with PMMA: an effective long-term alternative in spinal oncologic surgery
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A number of anterior reconstruction options are available in patients managed for symptomatic metastatic spinal column disease. Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) has been traditionally used as a reconstruction option in patients with limited life expectancy as an anterior fusion is not expected. In this article, we present the outcome of a 13-year follow-up of a long anterior reconstruction using PMMA of the upper thoracic spine in a myelopathic female secondary to a compressive breast metastasis affecting the upper 4 thoracic vertebrae. We discuss the use of PMMA in spinal oncological surgery and review the evidence pertinent to its use.KeywordsPolymethylmethacrylatePMMAAnterior column reconstructionSpinal oncologyReferences1.Melcher RP, Harms J (2009) Biomechanics and materials of reconstruction after tumor resection in the spinal column. 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