Support for Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing Policies among Racially and Ethnically Diverse, low-Income Seniors in South Florida
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  • 作者:Nicole J. Cook (1)
    Lucas Hollar (1)
    Summer Chavez (1)
    David L. Quinn (1)
    Teina Phillips (2)
    Michael DeLucca (2)
    Lindsay Corrales (2)
  • 关键词:Culturally diverse ; Low ; income ; Multi ; unit housing ; Elders ; Smoke ; free policy ; Tobacco ; free
  • 刊名:Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:December 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:29
  • 期:4
  • 页码:405-415
  • 全文大小:193 KB
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  • 作者单位:Nicole J. Cook (1)
    Lucas Hollar (1)
    Summer Chavez (1)
    David L. Quinn (1)
    Teina Phillips (2)
    Michael DeLucca (2)
    Lindsay Corrales (2)

    1. Master of Public Health Program, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Nova Southeastern University, 3200 South University Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33328, USA
    2. Broward Regional Health Planning Council, Hollywood, FL, USA
  • ISSN:1573-0719
Previous studies have gauged support for implementing smoke-free multi-unit housing (MUH) policies in the United States, but none have specifically examined attitudes among racially and ethnically diverse elders living in low-income MUH. We surveyed a convenience sample of elders 62?years of age and older (n--07) across 24 low-income housing properties in Broward County, Florida in order to assess residents-smoking behaviors, exposure to second-hand smoke, and support for smoke-free policies. The study sample was ethnically and racially diverse with Hispanics comprising more than 61?% of the population, and 22?% identifying as Black or other races. Although close to 22?% of the sample were former smokers, only 9?% of residents reported being current smokers. The majority of residents surveyed supported no-smoking policies: 75?% support no-smoking policies for individual units; 77?% supported no-smoking policies in common areas; and, 68?% supported no-smoking policies in outdoor areas. Over 29?% of residents surveyed reported being exposed to secondhand smoke entering their units from elsewhere in their building. Residents who reported having a home smoking rule were more than twice as likely to support an indoor policy compared to residents who allowed smoking anywhere in their home (OR--.36; 95%CI 1.25-.43; p?≤-.01), and nonsmoking residents were nearly three times as likely to support an indoor policy compared to smokers (OR--.89; 95%CI 1.44-.79; p?≤-.01). Support for an indoor policy was not modified by age, gender, ethnicity or race. . This study demonstrates that elders living in low-income MUH properties overwhelmingly supported the implementation of smoke-free policies.

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