L’algue Klamath et ses propriétés nutritionnelles. Un extrait spécifique aux effets neuromodulateurs et neuroprotecteurs
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  • 作者:F. Joanny Menvielle-Bourg (1)
    A. Vitacca (1)
    S. Scoglio (2)
  • 关键词:Microalgue Klamath ; Extrait spécifique breveté ; Profil nutritionnel complet et à haute biodisponibilité ; Action neuroprotectrice et neuromodulatrice ; Klamath microalgae ; Patented specific extract ; Complete and bioavalaible nutritionnal content ; Neuroprotective and neuromodulating action
  • 刊名:Phytoth篓娄rapie
  • 出版年:2011
  • 出版时间:June 2011
  • 年:2011
  • 卷:9
  • 期:3
  • 页码:165-171
  • 全文大小:1019KB
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  • 作者单位:F. Joanny Menvielle-Bourg (1)
    A. Vitacca (1)
    S. Scoglio (2)

    1. Fabienne Joanny Consulting & Licensing, Paris, France
    2. Centro Ricerche Nutriterapiche, Urbino, Italie
Klamath algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae [AFA] Ralfs ex Born. & Flah. Var. flos aquae), an unicellular microalgae living in the Klamath freshwater lake (USA), presents a very complete nutritional profile, with a very high bioavailabitlity level: 20 amino-acids, more than 60 minerals and trace elements, 14 vitamins, 15 carotenoids, chlorophyll, β-carotenes, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and algae specific molecules such as mycosporine-like aminoacids (MAAs) [algae mycosporins], AFA-phycocyanins (AFA-PCs), β-phenylethylamin (PEA). Research works performed by the Nutritherapeutic Research Centre (Urbino, Italy) in collaboration with the University of Urbino, allowed to develop a patented specific extract, with an important neuromodulating and neuroprotective action. The advantages of this extract, obtained via a mechanical extraction process without any chemical solvent (ultra-filtration), come from the synergistic action of PEA (β-PEA) with other microalgae molecules, especially AFA-phycocianins, AFA phytochromes and MAAs, who exert selective inhibiting effects on MAO-B and thus facilitate the action of PEA on the cerebral function. That specific extract contains a synergistic complex of molecules providing beneficial effects on the mental condition, contributing to prevent the ageing of neuronal functions.

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