Impact of ICT access on personal activity space and greenhouse gas production: evidence from Quebec City, Canada
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  • 作者:Luis F. Miranda-Moreno (1)
    Naveen Eluru (1)
    Martin Lee-Gosselin (2)
    Tyler Kreider (1)
  • 关键词:ICT access – ; Activity spaces – ; Greenhouse emissions – ; Land use – ; Endogeneity
  • 刊名:Transportation
  • 出版年:2012
  • 出版时间:September 2012
  • 年:2012
  • 卷:39
  • 期:5
  • 页码:895-918
  • 全文大小:528.8 KB
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  • 作者单位:1. Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 2K6, Canada2. 脡cole Sup茅rieure d鈥橝m茅nagement du Territoire et de D茅veloppement R茅gional, and Centre de Recherche en Am茅nagement et D茅veloppement, Universit茅 Laval, Quebec City, QC G1V 0A6, Canada
  • ISSN:1572-9435
This paper presents an approach to investigating the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on travel behaviour and its environmental effects. The paper focuses on the spatial dispersion of out-of-home activities and travel (activity space) and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) at the level of the individual. An original method, combining spatial analysis in a geographic information system with advanced regression techniques, is proposed to explore these potentially complex relationships in the case of access to mobile phones and the internet, while taking into account the influence of socio-economics and built environment factors. The proposed methodology is tested using a 7-day activity-based survey in Quebec City in 2003–2004, a juncture of particular interest because these ICTs had recently crossed the threshold of 40 % (mobile phone) and 60 % (home-based internet) penetration at the time. The study period also largely pre-dates the era of mobile internet access. Among other results, socio-demographic factors were found to significantly affect both ICT access and travel out-comes. The built environment, represented by neighbourhood typologies, also played an important role. However, it was found that after controlling for the self-selection effect, built environment and socio-demographics, those who had a mobile phone available produced 30 % more GHGs during the observed week than those who did not. This higher level of GHG pro-duction was accompanied by a 12 % higher measure of activity dispersion. On the other hand, having internet access at home was associated with lower GHGs (−19 %) and lesser activity dispersion (−25 %). Possibly, mobile phones enable individuals to cover more space and produce more emissions, while the internet provides opportunities to stay at home or avoid motorized travel thus reducing emissions. The estimated effects of having a mobile phone were not only negative but also larger in magnitude from the environmental point of view than those of fixed internet access. However, the results of this study also suggest that access to mobile phones and internet may have substantial and compensatory effects at the individual level that are undetected when using model structures that do not take into account that unobserved factors may influence both ICT choices and travel outcomes.

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