Ultrastructure of Motoneurons and Synapses in the Nuclei of the Oculomotor Nerves in Mice
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  • 作者:R. Sh. Shtanchaev ; I. B. Mikheeva ; N. A. Pen'kova…
  • 关键词:brain ; oculomotor nuclei ; mouse ; motoneurons ; synapses
  • 刊名:Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:February 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:46
  • 期:2
  • 页码:224-228
  • 全文大小:2,457 KB
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  • 作者单位:R. Sh. Shtanchaev (1)
    I. B. Mikheeva (1)
    N. A. Pen’kova (1)
    L. L. Pav (1)

    1. Neuron Ultrastructure Laboratory, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia
  • 刊物类别:Biomedical and Life Sciences
  • 刊物主题:Biomedicine
    Behavioural Sciences
    Russian Library of Science
  • 出版者:Springer New York
  • ISSN:1573-899X

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