Pelagic cephalopods of the central Mediterranean Sea determined by the analysis of the stomach content of large fish predators
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  • 作者:Teresa Romeo (1)
    Pietro Battaglia (1)
    Cristina Pedà (1)
    Patrizia Perzia (2)
    Pierpaolo Consoli (1)
    Valentina Esposito (1)
    Franco Andaloro (2)
  • 关键词:Pelagic cephalopods ; Beaks ; Large pelagic predators ; Mediterranean Sea
  • 刊名:Helgoland Marine Research
  • 出版年:2012
  • 出版时间:September 2012
  • 年:2012
  • 卷:66
  • 期:3
  • 页码:295-306
  • 全文大小:314KB
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  • 作者单位:Teresa Romeo (1)
    Pietro Battaglia (1)
    Cristina Pedà (1)
    Patrizia Perzia (2)
    Pierpaolo Consoli (1)
    Valentina Esposito (1)
    Franco Andaloro (2)

    1. Laboratory of Milazzo, ISPRA, Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, via dei Mille 44, 98057, Milazzo, ME, Italy
    2. ISPRA, Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, c/o Residence Marbela, via Salvatore Puglisi 9, 90143, Palermo, Italy
The pelagic cephalopod fauna of the central Mediterranean Sea was investigated through stomach content analyses of large fish predators. A total of 124 Xiphias gladius, 22 Thunnus thynnus, 100 Thunnus alalunga, and 25 Tetrapturus belone were analyzed. Overall, 3,096 cephalopods belonging to 23 species and 16 families were identified. The cephalopod fauna in the study area is dominated by Sepiolidae, Ommastrephidae, and Onychoteuthidae. The sepiolid Heteroteuthis dispar was the most abundant species (n?=?1,402) while the ommastrephid Todarodes sagittatus showed the highest biomass. They can be considered key-species in the pelagic food web of the study area. The neutrally buoyant Histioteuthis bonnellii, H. reversa, and Chiroteuthis veranyi seem to characterize the deeper water layers. Given the difficulty in sampling pelagic cephalopods, the presence of cephalopod beaks in the stomach of predators represents a fundamental tool to assess the biodiversity and the ecological importance of these taxa in the marine ecosystem.

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