The Ural–Herirud transcontinental postcollisional strike-slip fault and its role in the formation of the Earth's crust
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  • 作者:Yu. G. Leonov ; Yu. A. Volozh ; M. P. Antipov ; T. N. Kheraskova
  • 关键词:platform ; Ural–Herirud strike ; slip fault (UH fault) ; geodynamics ; transcontinental postcollisional strike ; slip fault systems ; consolidated crust
  • 刊名:Geotectonics
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:November 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:49
  • 期:6
  • 页码:515-532
  • 全文大小:6,069 KB
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  • 作者单位:Yu. G. Leonov (1)
    Yu. A. Volozh (1)
    M. P. Antipov (1)
    T. N. Kheraskova (1)

    1. Geological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevsky per. 7, Moscow, 119017, Russia
  • 刊物主题:Structural Geology;
  • 出版者:Springer US
  • ISSN:1556-1976
The paper considers the morphology, deep structure, and geodynamic features of the Ural–Herirud postorogenic strike-slip fault (UH fault), along which the Moho (the “M”) shifts along the entire axial zone of the Ural Orogen, then further to the south across the Scythian–Turan Plate to the Herirud sublatitudinal fault in Afghanistan. The postcollisional character of dextral displacements along the Ural–Herirud fault and its Triassic–Jurassic age are proven. We have estimated the scale of displacements and made an attempt to make a paleoreconstruction, illustrating the relationship between the Variscides of the Urals and the Tien Shan before tectonic displacements. The analysis of new data includes the latest generation of 1: 200000 geological maps and the regional seismic profiling data obtained in the most elevated part of the Urals (from the seismic profile of the Middle Urals in the north to the Uralseis seismic profile in the south), as well as within the sedimentary cover of the Turan Plate, from Mugodzhary to the southern boundaries of the former water area of the Aral Sea. General typomorphic signs of transcontinental strike-slip fault systems are considered and the structural model of the Ural–Herirud postcollisional strike-slip fault is presented.

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