Stable malaria incidence despite scaling up control strategies in a malaria vaccine-testing site in Mali
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  • 作者:Drissa Coulibaly (1)
    Mark A Travassos (2)
    Abdoulaye K Kone (1)
    Youssouf Tolo (1)
    Matthew B Laurens (2)
    Karim Traore (1) (4)
    Issa Diarra (1)
    Amadou Niangaly (1)
    Modibo Daou (1)
    Ahmadou Dembele (1)
    Mody Sissoko (1)
    Bour茅ima Guindo (1)
    Raymond Douyon (1)
    Aldiouma Guindo (3)
    Bourema Kouriba (1)
    Mahamadou S Sissoko (1)
    Issaka Sagara (1)
    Christopher V Plowe (2)
    Ogobara K Doumbo (1)
    Mahamadou A Thera (1)

    1. Malaria Research & Training Centre
    ; Department of Epidemiology of Parasitic Diseases ; Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry ; ; University of Sciences ; Techniques and Technologies ; Bamako ; Mali
    2. Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Center for Vaccine Development
    ; University of Maryland School of Medicine ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
    4. Laboratoire de Parasitologie et mycologie m茅dicale
    ; Universit茅 Claude Bernard Lyon 1 ; Villeurbanne ; France
    3. Centre National de Lutte contre la dr茅panocytose
    ; Minist猫re de la Sant茅 ; Bamako ; Mali
  • 关键词:Malaria incidence ; Malaria parasite prevalence ; Plasmodium falciparum
  • 刊名:Malaria Journal
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:December 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:13
  • 期:1
  • 全文大小:821 KB
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  • 刊物主题:Parasitology; Infectious Diseases; Tropical Medicine;
  • 出版者:BioMed Central
  • ISSN:1475-2875
Background The recent decline in malaria incidence in many African countries has been attributed to the provision of prompt and effective anti-malarial treatment using artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) and to the widespread distribution of long-lasting, insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs). At a malaria vaccine-testing site in Bandiagara, Mali, ACT was introduced in 2004, and LLINs have been distributed free of charge since 2007 to infants after they complete the Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI) schedule and to pregnant women receiving antenatal care. These strategies may have an impact on malaria incidence. Methods To document malaria incidence, a cohort of 400 children aged 0 to 14 years was followed for three to four years up to July 2013. Monthly cross-sectional surveys were done to measure the prevalence of malaria infection and anaemia. Clinical disease was measured both actively and passively through continuous availability of primary medical care. Measured outcomes included asymptomatic Plasmodium infection, anaemia and clinical malaria episodes. Results The incidence rate of clinical malaria varied significantly from June 2009 to July 2013 without a clear downward trend. A sharp seasonality in malaria illness incidence was observed with higher clinical malaria incidence rates during the rainy season. Parasite and anaemia point prevalence also showed seasonal variation with much higher prevalence rates during rainy seasons compared to dry seasons. Conclusions Despite the scaling up of malaria prevention and treatment, including the widespread use of bed nets, better diagnosis and wider availability of ACT, malaria incidence did not decrease in Bandiagara during the study period.

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