Attenuation of Cystitis and Pain Sensation in Mice Lacking Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase
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  • 作者:Zun-Yi Wang (1)
    Peiqing Wang (1)
    Cecilia J. Hillard (2)
    Dale E. Bjorling (1) (3)

    1. Department of Surgical Sciences
    ; University of Wisconsin ; Madison ; WI ; USA
    2. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology and Neuroscience Research Center
    ; Medical College of Wisconsin ; Milwaukee ; WI ; USA
    3. Department of Urology
    ; University of Wisconsin ; Madison ; WI ; USA
  • 关键词:Fatty acid amide hydrolase ; N ; arachidonoylethanolamine ; Cystitis ; Pain ; Mice
  • 刊名:Journal of Molecular Neuroscience
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:April 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:55
  • 期:4
  • 页码:968-976
  • 全文大小:778 KB
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  • 刊物主题:Neurosciences; Neurochemistry; Cell Biology; Proteomics; Neurology;
  • 出版者:Springer US
  • ISSN:1559-1166
Endocannabinoids, such as N-arachidonoylethanolamine (AEA, also called anandamide), exert potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) is primarily responsible for degradation of AEA, and deletion of FAAH increases AEA content in various tissues. Since FAAH has been shown to be present in the bladder of various species, we compared bladder function, severity of experimental cystitis, and cystitis-associated referred hyperalgesia in male wild-type (WT) and FAAH knock-out (KO) mice. Basal concentrations of AEA were greater, and the severity of cyclophosphamide (CYP)-induced cystitis was reduced in bladders from FAAH KO compared to WT mice. Cystitis-associated increased peripheral sensitivity to mechanical stimuli and enhanced bladder activity (as reflected by increased voiding frequency) were attenuated in FAAH KO compared to WT mice. Further, abundances of mRNA for several pro-inflammatory compounds were increased in the bladder mucosa after CYP treatment of WT mice, and this increase was inhibited in FAAH KO mice. These data indicate that endogenous substrates of FAAH, including the cannabinoid AEA, play an inhibitory role in bladder inflammation and subsequent changes in pain perception. Therefore, FAAH could be a therapeutic target to treat clinical symptoms of painful inflammatory bladder diseases.

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