Development of phosphatase inhibitor-1 peptides acting as indirect activators of phosphatase 1
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  • 作者:Hannieh Sotoud ; Uwe Borgmeyer…
  • 关键词:Protein phosphatase type 1 ; Phosphatase inhibitor ; 1 ; Decoy peptides ; Neonatal rat cardiac myocytes ; Phospholamban
  • 刊名:Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:March 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:388
  • 期:3
  • 页码:283-293
  • 全文大小:1,100 KB
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Phosphatase inhibitor-1 (I-1) inhibits the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase type 1 (PP1c) in its protein kinase A (PKA)-phosphorylated form (I-1P). It thereby amplifies PKA signaling, which, in the heart, mediates both beneficial (acute) and adverse (chronic) effects of catecholamines. Genetic deletion of I-1 was associated with protection against catecholamine toxicity, making the PP1c-I-1P complex a potential therapeutic target for chronic heart disease. Here, we sought to define targetable interaction sites of I-1 and PP1c, concentrating on the N-terminal domain of I-1 which includes the PP1c binding motif (9KIQF12) as well as a poly-Arg stretch. Substitution of 9KIQ11 residues for analogous amino acids, 9RLN11, resulted in doubling of the IC50 values, deletion of 9KIQF12 prevented I-1 PKA-dependent phosphorylation and thus activation. Mutation of the Arg residues preceding the PKA phosphorylation site (Thr35) to Ala (R/A30-3) abolished I-1 phosphorylation and its binding to and inhibition of PP1c. A series of synthetic peptides (4-1 residues) indicated that the KIQF motif as well as the surrounding anchoring residues was essential for interfering with the inhibitory effect of I-1P on PP1c, whereas the four Arg residues were not. Unexpectedly, the most effective nonapeptide (SPRKIQFTV) also antagonized the inhibitory effect of the non-conditional PP1 inhibitor-2 with similar affinity. Incubation of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes with a poly-Arg-modified SPRKIQFTV (10?μM) reduced catecholamine-induced phosphorylation of phospholamban, a well-known PKA downstream target sensitive to PP1c. Our data reiterate the importance of the KIQF motif and provide a tool for antagonizing I-1 inhibitory effects on PP1c, i.e., activating PP1 in vivo.

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