Species composition and morphologic variation of Porites in the Gulf of California
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  • 作者:R. A. López-Pérez (1)
  • 关键词:Phenotypic variation ; Porites ; Gulf of California ; Spatiotemporal variation ; Coral morphology
  • 刊名:Coral Reefs
  • 出版年:2013
  • 出版时间:September 2013
  • 年:2013
  • 卷:32
  • 期:3
  • 页码:867-878
  • 全文大小:868KB
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  • 作者单位:R. A. López-Pérez (1)

    1. Instituto de Recursos, Universidad el Mar, Puerto ángel, 70902, Oaxaca, Mexico
Morphometric analysis of corallite calices confirmed that from the late Miocene to the Recent, four species of Porites have inhabited the Gulf of California: the extinct Porites carrizensis, the locally extirpated Porites lobata and the extant Porites sverdrupi and Porites panamensis. Furthermore, large-scale spatial and temporal phenotypic plasticity was observed in the dominant species P. panamensis. Canonical discriminant analysis and ANOVA demonstrated that the calice structures of P. panamensis experienced size reduction between the late Pleistocene and Recent. Similarly, PERMANOVA, regression and correlation analyses demonstrated that across the 800?km north to south in the gulf, P. panamensis populations displayed a similar reduction in calice structures. Based on correlation analysis with environmental data, these large spatial changes are likely related to changes in nutrient concentration and sea surface temperature. As such, the large-scale spatial and temporal phenotypic variation recorded in populations of P. panamensis in the Gulf of California is likely related to optimization of corallite performance (energy acquisition) within various environmental scenarios. These findings may have relevance to modern conservation efforts within this ecological dominant genus.

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