Hydrochemical and isotopic study of groundwater in the Yinchuan plain, China
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  • 作者:Lingfen Wang (1) (2)
    Fusheng Hu (1)
    Lihe Yin (3)
    Li Wan (1)
    Qiusheng Yu (4)
  • 关键词:Hydrochemistry ; Isotopic ; Quaternary ; Groundwater flow system
  • 刊名:Environmental Earth Sciences
  • 出版年:2013
  • 出版时间:July 2013
  • 年:2013
  • 卷:69
  • 期:6
  • 页码:2037-2057
  • 全文大小:1330KB
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  • 作者单位:Lingfen Wang (1) (2)
    Fusheng Hu (1)
    Lihe Yin (3)
    Li Wan (1)
    Qiusheng Yu (4)

    1. School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Xueyuan Road 29, 100083, Beijing, China
    2. BGI Engineering Consultants Ltd., YangFangdian Road 15, 100038, Beijing, China
    3. Xi’an Geology Investigation Institute, Xi’an, Shanxi, China
    4. Ningxia Institute of Geo-engineering and Reconnaissance, Yinchuan, Ningxia, China
The Yinchuan plain is located in the arid climate zone of NW China. The western margin of the plain is the Helan mountain connecting a series of normal slip faults. The eastern margin of the plain connects with the Yellow River and adjacents with the Ordos platform. The south of the plain is bordered by the EN fault of the Niushou mountain. The bottom of the plain is the Carboniferous, Permian, or Ordovician rocks. Based on the analysis of groundwater hydrochemical and isotopic indicators, this study aims to identify the groundwater recharge and discharge in the Yinchuan plain, China. The hydrochemical types of the groundwater are HCO3–SO4 in the west, HCO3–Cl in the middle, and Cl–SO4 in the east. The hydrochemical types are HCO3–SO4 in the south, HCO3–Cl and SO4–HCO3 in the middle. The hydrochemical types are complex in the north, mainly SO4–HCO3 and Cl–SO4. Deuterium, 18O, and tritium values of groundwater indicate that groundwater recharge sources include precipitation, bedrock fissure water, and irrigation return water. Groundwater discharges include evaporation, abstraction, and discharge to surface water. According to the EW isotopic profile, the groundwater flow system (GFS) in the Yinchuan plain can be divided into local flow systems (LFS) and regional flow systems (RFS). Groundwater has lower TDS and higher tritium in the southern Yellow River alluvial plain and groundwater age ranges from 6 to 25?years. The range of groundwater renewal rates is from 11 to 15?% a?. The depth of the water cycle is small, and groundwater circulates fast and has high renewal rates. Groundwater has higher TDS and lower tritium in the northern Yellow River alluvial plain. The range of groundwater age is from 45 to 57?years, and renewal rate is from 6 to 0.1?% a?. The depth of the water cycle is larger. Groundwater circulates slowly and has low renewal rates.

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