Generation聽Y 鈥?Wie muss das Management einer Frauenklinik den Anforderungen und Bed眉rfnissen einer jungen Generation entgegenkommen?
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  • 作者:Prof. Dr. MPH C. Schmidt ; B. Halbe ; F. Wolff
  • 关键词:脛rztliche Weiterbildung ; Lebensqualit盲t ; Kommunikation ; Rekrutierungsma脽nahmen ; Personalauswahl ; Continuing medical education ; Quality of life ; Communication ; Recruitment activities ; Personnel selection
  • 刊名:Der Gyn?kologe
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:July 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:48
  • 期:7
  • 页码:528-536
  • 全文大小:331 KB
  • 参考文献:1.Augurzky B (2013) Neues vom Krankhaus Rating Report. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 73(12):1176鈥?177View Article
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    27.Schmidt C, Warm M, Wolff F (2014) Generation聽Y: Was erwartet uns von unseren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 74:23鈥?7View Article
    28.Schmidt CE, Halbe B, Wolff F (2014) Gyn盲kologie und Geburtshilfe im Spannungsfeld von Personalmangel, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Ambulantisierung. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 74:1061鈥?064View Article
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  • 作者单位:Prof. Dr. MPH C. Schmidt (1)
    B. Halbe (2)
    F. Wolff (3)

    1. Universit盲tsmedizin Rostock, Ernst-Heydemann-Str. 8, 18057, Rostock, Deutschland
    2. Kanzlei Dr. Halbe, K枚ln, Deutschland
    3. Krankenhaus Holweide, Kliniken der Stadt K枚ln, K枚ln, Deutschland
  • 刊物主题:Gynecology; Obstetrics/Perinatology; Endocrinology;
  • 出版者:Springer Berlin Heidelberg
  • ISSN:1433-0393
Background Due to demographic change there is a significant shortage of highly qualified personnel in gynecology and obstetrics. This lack of qualified personnel has led to competition for personnel between hospitals and departments. When analyzing the circumstances of the competition, doctors of generation Y are important. Recruitment and retention of these staff members will become a critical factor in the success of departments in the future. Method An internet search was conducted focusing on the key words 鈥済eneration Y and medicine, demography, personnel and hospitals鈥? A search in Medline and PubMed for scientific studies on the topic of personnel shortage was performed using the key words 鈥減ersonnel, shortage doctors, generation X, baby boomer, personnel and demographic changes and staff鈥? Finally, sources from public institutions and academic medical societies were analyzed. The data were sorted by main categories and relevance for hospitals. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive measures. Results A comparison of generation Y with other generations revealed differences in impressions, expectations for career and leadership, motivation and attitude to work. Members of generation Y live while working and disagree with hierarchies. They select a department because of the workplace atmosphere, commitment towards continuing education and family friendliness. Internet and computers are part of the daily routine. Conclusion Employees of generation Y challenge leadership in hospitals by increasing the demands; however, it is vital for a department to adapt to these demands without compromising patient safety.

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