Analysis of a Text and its Representations: Univocal Truth or a Situation of Undecidability?
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  • 作者:Miriam Green
  • 刊名:Philosophy of Management
  • 出版年:2009
  • 出版时间:September 2009
  • 年:2009
  • 卷:7
  • 期:3
  • 页码:27-42
  • 全文大小:
  • 参考文献:Ashton D, Hopper T & Scapens R W 鈥楾he Changing Nature of Issues in Management Accounting鈥?in D Ashton, T Hopper & R W Scapens (eds) Issues in Management Accounting 2nd edition London Prentice Hall 1995
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  • 作者单位:Miriam Green (1)

    1. University of East London, UK
  • 刊物类别:Philosophy; Business/Management Science, general; Political Economy;
  • 刊物主题:Philosophy; Business/Management Science, general; Political Economy;
  • 出版者:Springer International Publishing
  • ISSN:2052-9597
This paper is concerned with the representation in academic journal articles and textbooks of an organisation theory. In the case of Burns鈥?and Stalker鈥檚 book The Management of Innovation (1961,1966), summaries of the text by other scholars have arguably differed from the original authors and among themselves in their emphases. Similar points have been made about representations of other theorists such as Kurt Lewin and, perhaps most famously, Adam Smith. They all raise issues about the meanings of texts and where such meanings lie: with the author, the reader, the text itself or perhaps some combination of these. They also raise questions about whether texts can be shown to have definitive meanings; and if not, whether there are any criteria for adjudicating on the validity of varied interpretations. Representations by textbook writers are analysed and questions about the meaning of texts raised by 鈥榮tructuralist鈥?and 鈥榙econstructionist鈥?writers examined. Their writings beg certain questions about textual representations. Perhaps the most extreme of these views is Barthes鈥?concept of the 鈥榙eath of the author鈥? Like Barthes, Derrida argues, for the reasons mentioned above, that there is no underlying, final decipherable meaning in a text, but gives more credence to the role of the author, accepting the validity of the author鈥檚 consciousness and intentions as one of the sources of meaning in texts. There are also other sources: the situatedness and historical context of the text and the text itself. Derrida鈥檚 concept of 鈥榙iffrance鈥?requires the reader to engage in an analysis of the text which offers limitless possibilities for interpretation and a renunciation of the certainty of truth, because the meaning of a text may extend beyond the limits of our knowledge at any one time. His notion of the 鈥榣ogic of supplementarity鈥?is a further means to analyse texts, as it also disprivileges obvious or overt meanings in texts by overturning hierarchy in oppositions and questioning univocal definitions of meaning. Questions inspired by these and other writers give rise to an exploration of who is speaking in the text; which subject matter is represented as central and which as marginal; binary oppositions within the text and intertextual connections. The paper then begins the more ambitious task of answering the broader question as to whether it can be shown that there are more and less 鈥榬epresentative鈥?or 鈥榮tronger鈥?interpretations of a text. My thanks and appreciation to Nigel Laurie, the anonymous referees and David Crowther for their incisive and constructive comments on an earlier draft of this paper, and for putting me in touch with some very useful additional references.

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