Mobilization of aluminum by the acid percolates within unsaturated zone of sandstones
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  • 作者:Tomá? Navrátil (1)
    Zuzana Va?ilová (2)
    Jan Rohovec (1)
  • 关键词:Acidification ; Drip water ; Chemical weathering ; Salt efflorescence ; Black Triangle ; Bohemian Switzerland National Park ; Czech Republic
  • 刊名:Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
  • 出版年:2013
  • 出版时间:September 2013
  • 年:2013
  • 卷:185
  • 期:9
  • 页码:7115-7131
  • 全文大小:539KB
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  • 作者单位:Tomá? Navrátil (1)
    Zuzana Va?ilová (2)
    Jan Rohovec (1)

    1. Institute of Geology AS CR, v.v.i., Rozvojová 269, Prague 6, 165 00, Czech Republic
    2. The Museum of the Town of ústí nad Labem, Masarykova 1000/3, 400 01, ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
The area of the Black Triangle has been exposed to extreme levels of acid deposition in the twentieth century. The chemical weathering of sandstones found within the Black Triangle became well-known phenomenon. Infiltration of acid rain solutions into the sandstone represents the main input of salt components into the sandstone. The infiltrated solutions–sandstone percolates–react with sandstone matrix and previously deposited materials such as salt efflorescence. Acidic sandstone percolates pH-.2-.8 found at ten sites within the National Park Bohemian Switzerland contained high Al-tot (0.8-0?mg?L?) concentrations and high concentrations of anions SO4 (5-6?mg?L?) and NO3 (2-2?mg?L?). A high proportion (50-8?%) of Al-tot concentration in acid percolates was represented by toxic reactive Aln+. Chemical equilibrium modeling indicated as the most abundant Al species Al3+, AlSO4 +, and AlF2+. The remaining 2-0?% of Al-tot concentration was present in the form of complexes with dissolved organic matter Al-org. Mobilization and transport of Al from the upper zones of sandstone causes chemical weathering and sandstone structure deterioration. The most acidic percolates contained the highest concentrations of dissolved organic material (estimated up to 42?mg?L?) suggesting the contribution of vegetation on sandstone weathering processes. Very low concentrations of Al-tot in springs at BSNP suggest that Al mobilized in unsaturated zone is transported deeper into the sandstone. This process of mobilization could represent a threat for the water quality small-perched aquifers.

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