Extraction and characterization of keratin from bovine hoof: A potential material for biomedical applications
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  • 作者:Prachi Kakkar ; Balaraman Madhan ; Ganesh Shanmugam
  • 关键词:Proteins ; Keratin ; Biocompatibility ; ; helix ; ; sheet ; Biopolymers & renewable polymers
  • 刊名:SpringerPlus
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:December 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:3
  • 期:1
  • 全文大小:2989KB
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  • 作者单位:Prachi Kakkar (3)
    Balaraman Madhan (3)
    Ganesh Shanmugam (3)

    3. Central Leather Research Institute, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Adyar, Chennai, 600020, India
  • 刊物类别:Science, general;
  • 刊物主题:Science, general;
  • 出版者:Springer International Publishing
  • ISSN:2193-1801
Keratin from the hoof is a less explored source for making valuable products. In this paper we present the extraction of pure keratin from bovine hooves and characterized them to better address the possible exploitation of this bio-resource as an alternative material for tissue engineering applications. The keratin protein from the pulverized hooves was extracted by reduction, which was observed to be pure, and two polypeptide chains of molecular weight in the range of 45鈥?0 and 55鈥?0 KDa were determined using SDS-PAGE assay. FTIR analysis complementing circular dichroism (CD) data, established that hoof keratin predominantly adopted 伪-helical conformation with admixture of 尾-sheet. The keratin was shown to have appreciably high denaturation temperature (215掳C) as indicated by differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) analysis. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) also showed the retention of 50% of the original weight of the sample even at a temperature of 346掳C. The keratin from the hoof had been observed to be biocompatible when analyzed with MTT assay using fibroblast cells, showing more than 90% cell viability. Hence, hoof keratin would be useful for high value biomedical applications. Keywords Proteins Keratin Biocompatibility 伪-helix 尾-sheet Biopolymers & renewable polymers

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