On The Existence of Multiple Solutions of a Class of Third-Order Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems
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A general approach is presented for proving existence of multiple solutions of the third-order nonlinear differential equation$$Au^{\prime\prime\prime}(x) + u^{\prime\prime}(x)u^\prime(x) + u^\prime(x)f(u(x))=0,\quad x \in [0,1] ,$$subject to given proper boundary conditions. The proof is constructive in nature, and could be used for numerical generation of the solution or closed-form analytical solution by introducing some special functions. The only restriction is about f(u), where it is supposed to be differentiable function with continuous derivative. It is proved the problem may admit no solution, may admit unique solution or may admit multiple solutions.KeywordsClosed-form solutionexact analytical solutionspecial functionunique solutionmultiple solutionsMathematics Subject Classification34B1535G3035G60References1.Shuicai L., Liao S.: An analytic approach to solve multiple solutions of a strongly nonlinear problem. Appl. Math. 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