Ex-situ conservation of Black poplar in Europe: genetic diversity in nine gene bank collections and their value for nature development
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  • 作者:V. Storme (1)
    A. Vanden Broeck (2)
    B. Ivens (1)
    D. Halfmaerten (2)
    J. Van Slycken (2)
    S. Castiglione (3)
    F. Grassi (3)
    T. Fossati (3)
    J. E. Cottrell (4)
    H. E. Tabbener (4)
    F. Lefèvre (5)
    C. Saintagne (15) (5)
    S. Fluch (6)
    V. Krystufek (6)
    K. Burg (6)
    S. Bordács (7)
    A. Borovics (8)
    K. Gebhardt (9)
    B. Vornam (10)
    A. Pohl (10)
    N. Alba (11)
    D. Agúndez (11)
    C. Maestro (12)
    E. Notivol (12)
    J. Bovenschen (13)
    B. C. van Dam (13)
    J. van der Schoot (14)
    B. Vosman (14)
    W. Boerjan (1)
    M. J. M. Smulders (14)
  • 刊名:Theoretical and Applied Genetics
  • 出版年:2004
  • 出版时间:April 2004
  • 年:2004
  • 卷:108
  • 期:6
  • 页码:969-981
  • 全文大小:437KB
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  • 作者单位:V. Storme (1)
    A. Vanden Broeck (2)
    B. Ivens (1)
    D. Halfmaerten (2)
    J. Van Slycken (2)
    S. Castiglione (3)
    F. Grassi (3)
    T. Fossati (3)
    J. E. Cottrell (4)
    H. E. Tabbener (4)
    F. Lefèvre (5)
    C. Saintagne (15) (5)
    S. Fluch (6)
    V. Krystufek (6)
    K. Burg (6)
    S. Bordács (7)
    A. Borovics (8)
    K. Gebhardt (9)
    B. Vornam (10)
    A. Pohl (10)
    N. Alba (11)
    D. Agúndez (11)
    C. Maestro (12)
    E. Notivol (12)
    J. Bovenschen (13)
    B. C. van Dam (13)
    J. van der Schoot (14)
    B. Vosman (14)
    W. Boerjan (1)
    M. J. M. Smulders (14)

    1. Department of Plant Systems Biology, Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), Ghent University, Technologiepark 927, 9052, Gent, Belgium
    2. Instituut voor Bosbouw en Wildbeheer, 9500, Geraardsbergen, Belgium
    3. Dipartimento di Biologia, Università degli Studi di Milano, 20133, Milan, Italy
    4. Forest Research, Northern Research Station, Roslin, EH25 9SY, UK
    5. Unité de Recherches Forestières Méditerranéennes, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, 84000, Avignon, France
    15. INRA, UMR?BIOGECO 1202, 69 route d’Arcachon, 33612, Cestas Cédex, France
    6. Department of Biotechnology, Austrian Research Center, 2444, Siebersdorf, Austria
    7. Department of Forestry, Országos Mez?gazdasági Min?sít? Intézet, 1024, Budapest, Hungary
    8. Department of Forestry and Breeding, Forest Research Institute, 9600, Sarvar, Hungary
    9. Hessian Forest Centre, 34346, Hannover/Muenden, Germany
    10. Institute of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding, University of G?ttingen, 37077, G?ttingen, Germany
    11. Department of Breeding and Biotechnology, Centro de Investigación Forestal-Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agraria y Alimentaria, 28080, Madrid, Spain
    12. Unidad de Recursos Forestales, Servicio de Investigación Agroalimentaria-Diputación General de Aragon, 50080, Zaragoza, Spain
    13. Research Institute for the Green World, Wageningen University and Research Centre, 6700?AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
    14. Plant Research International, Wageningen University, 6700?AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
  • ISSN:1432-2242
Populus nigra L. is a pioneer tree species of riparian ecosystems that is threatened with extinction because of the loss of its natural habitat. To evaluate the existing genetic diversity of P. nigra within ex-situ collections, we analyzed 675 P. nigra L. accessions from nine European gene banks with three amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and five microsatellite [or simple sequence repeat (SSR)] primer combinations, and 11 isozyme systems. With isozyme analysis, hybrids could be detected, and only 3% were found in the gene bank collection. AFLP and SSR analyses revealed effectively that 26% of the accessions were duplicated and that the level of clonal duplication varied from 0% in the French gene bank collection up to 78% in the Belgian gene bank collection. SSR analysis was preferred because AFLP was technically more demanding and more prone to scoring errors. To assess the genetic diversity, we grouped material from the gene banks according to topography of the location from which the accessions were originally collected (river system or regions separated by mountains). Genetic diversity was expressed in terms of the following parameters: percentage of polymorphic loci, observed and effective number of alleles, and Nei’s expected heterozygosity or gene diversity (for AFLP). Genetic diversity varied from region to region and depended, to some extent, on the marker system used. The most unique alleles were identified in the Danube region (Austria), the Rh?ne region (France), Italy, the Rijn region (The Netherlands), and the Ebro region (Spain). In general, the diversity was largest in the material collected from the regions in Southern Europe. Dendrograms and principal component analysis resulted in a clustering according to topography. Material from the same river systems, but from different countries, clustered together. The genetic differentiation among the regions (Fst/Gst) was moderate.

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