Jump or compensate? Strategy flexibility in the number domain up to 100
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  • 作者:Joke Torbeyns (1) (2)
    Bert De Smedt (3)
    Pol Ghesquière (3)
    Lieven Verschaffel (1)
  • 关键词:Strategy choice ; Strategy change ; Strategy flexibility ; Choice/no ; choice method ; Elementary arithmetic ; Multi ; digit addition and subtraction ; Compensation strategy
  • 刊名:ZDM
  • 出版年:2009
  • 出版时间:October 2009
  • 年:2009
  • 卷:41
  • 期:5
  • 页码:581-590
  • 全文大小:232KB
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  • 作者单位:Joke Torbeyns (1) (2)
    Bert De Smedt (3)
    Pol Ghesquière (3)
    Lieven Verschaffel (1)

    1. K.U.Leuven, Centre for Instructional Psychology and Technology, Leuven, Belgium
    2. GROUP T-Leuven Education College, Leuven, Belgium
    3. K.U.Leuven, Centre for Parenting, Child Welfare and Disabilities, Leuven, Belgium
This study investigates elementary school children’s flexible use of mental calculation strategies on additions and subtractions in the number domain 20-00. Sixty third-graders of three different mathematical achievement levels individually solved a series of 2-digit additions and subtractions in one choice and two no-choice conditions. In the choice condition, children could choose between the compensation (56?+?29?=??; 56?+?30?=?86, 86????=?85) and jump strategy (56?+?29?=??; 56?+?20?=?76, 76?+?9?=?85) on each item. In the two no-choice conditions, children had to solve each item with either the compensation or the jump strategy. The results demonstrated that children of all achievement levels spontaneously applied both the compensation and the jump strategy to solve the items from the choice condition. Furthermore, they all executed the compensation strategy equally accurately, but faster than the jump strategy in the no-choice conditions. Finally, children neither took into account the expected task nor individual strategy efficiency characteristics during the strategy choice process. Results are discussed in terms of recent models of adaptive strategy choices and instructional practices in the number domain 20-00.

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