QTL analysis of fruit length using rRAMP, WRKY, and AFLP markers in chili pepper
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  • 作者:Heung-Ryul Lee (1)
    Ki-Taek Kim (2)
    Hyoun-Joung Kim (1)
    Jung-Heon Han (3)
    Jeong-Ho Kim (2)
    Seon-In Yeom (1)
    Hyun Jung Kim (1)
    Won-Hee Kang (1)
    Jinxia-Shi (1)
    Soung-Woo Park (1)
    Ik-Hyun Bae (1)
    Semin Lee (4)
    Juok Cho (4)
    Donghoon Oh (4)
    Byung-Dong Kim (1) (3) (5)
  • 关键词:Capsicum ; genetic marker ; map ; assisted breeding ; SSR
  • 刊名:Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology
  • 出版年:2011
  • 出版时间:December 2011
  • 年:2011
  • 卷:52
  • 期:6
  • 页码:602-613
  • 全文大小:660KB
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  • 作者单位:Heung-Ryul Lee (1)
    Ki-Taek Kim (2)
    Hyoun-Joung Kim (1)
    Jung-Heon Han (3)
    Jeong-Ho Kim (2)
    Seon-In Yeom (1)
    Hyun Jung Kim (1)
    Won-Hee Kang (1)
    Jinxia-Shi (1)
    Soung-Woo Park (1)
    Ik-Hyun Bae (1)
    Semin Lee (4)
    Juok Cho (4)
    Donghoon Oh (4)
    Byung-Dong Kim (1) (3) (5)

    1. Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151-921, Korea
    2. National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, Suwon, 440-706, Korea
    3. Center for Plant Molecular Genetics and Breeding Research, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151-921, Korea
    4. Object Interaction Technologies, Inc., Daejeon, 305-333, Korea
    5. Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151-921, Korea
A pepper genetic map was constructed from F2 mapping population of 93 individuals from a cross between Capsicum annuum ‘F68-and C. chinense ‘Habanero- Surrey was made for the map distribution and polymorphism level of these marker groups; reverse random amplification microsatellite polymorphism (rRAMP), WRKY and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP). A total of 912 molecular markers [356 rRAMP, 190 WRKY, 305 AFLP, and 61 simple sequence repeats (SSR)] were developed in this study. The rRAMP and WRKY markers were more evenly scattered in the pepper genome than the AFLP and SSR markers, and filled the gaps not populated by the other markers. The interspecific pepper map contained 28 linkage groups with 625 linked markers and covered 3377.2 cM with an average interval of 5.9 cM. On the basis of the map, the fruit length quantitative trait locus (QTL) was analyzed and these QTL regions were detected near rRAMP and WRKY markers on the chromosome 3, 5, 11, and LG3. These marker system, map information, and detected QTLs could be one of basic information for pepper research.

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