Frequent fire protects shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) from introgression by loblolly pine (P. taeda)
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  • 作者:John F. Stewart ; Rodney E. Will ; Kevin M. Robertson…
  • 关键词:Shortleaf pine ; Introgression ; Fire ecology ; Ecological genetics ; Silviculture
  • 刊名:Conservation Genetics
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:April 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:16
  • 期:2
  • 页码:491-495
  • 全文大小:232 KB
  • 参考文献:1. Allendorf, FW, Leary, RF, Spruell, P, Wenburg, JK (2001) The problems with hybrids: setting conservation guidelines. Trends Ecol Evol 16: pp. 613-622 CrossRef
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    10. Reid, AM, Robertson, KM, Hmielowski, TL (2012) Predicting litter and live herb fuel consumption during prescribed fires in native and old-field upland pine communities of the southeastern United States. Can J For Res 42: pp. 1611-1622 CrossRef
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    13. Stewart, JF, Tauer, CG, Nelson, CD (2012) Bidirectional introgression between loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and shortleaf pine (P. echinata Mill.) has increased since the 1950s. Tree Genet Genomes 8: pp. 725-735 CrossRef
    14. Tauer, CG, Stewart, JF, Will, RE, Lilly, CJ, Guldin, JM, Nelson, CD (2012) Hybridization leads to loss of genetic integrity in shortleaf pine: unexpected consequences of pine management and fire suppression. J For 110: pp. 216-224
    15. Wagtendock, JW (2007) The history and evolution of wildland fire use. Fire Ecol Spec Issue 3: pp. 3-17 CrossRef
    16. Will, RE, Lilly, CJ, Stewart, JF, Huff, S, Tauer, CG (2013) Recovery from top kill of shortleaf pine × loblolly pine hybrids compared to their parent populations. Trees 27: pp. 1167-1174 CrossRef
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  • 刊物类别:Biomedical and Life Sciences
  • 刊物主题:Biomedicine
    Human Genetics
    Animal Anatomy, Morphology and Histology
    Plant Sciences
    Evolutionary Biology
  • 出版者:Springer Netherlands
  • ISSN:1572-9737
Across much of the globe, fire is a major disturbance agent of forest and grassland communities. The removal of fire from previously fire-maintained ecosystems, which has occurred in many areas, changes species composition, favoring later less fire tolerant species over fire-adapted ones. A recent measured increase in the rate of hybridization between the fire-adapted shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) and less fire-adapted loblolly pine (P. taeda) suggests that introgression may be an emerging threat to shortleaf pine as a genetically distinct species. We used 25 microsatellite markers on seedlings and saplings to test how the use of frequent fire affects the survival of hybrids between the two species by contrasting species makeup and hybridity in regularly burned areas (every 2?years) to that in neighboring unburned areas, both with mixed canopies of loblolly pine, shortleaf pine, and hybrids. The results show that frequent prescribed fire selects against loblolly pine and hybrids, restoring the community to one dominated by shortleaf pine. These results are the first to indicate that frequent fire can resist introgression between two co-occurring native species and that fire exclusion as a land management policy may be having unrecognized deleterious effects on the genetic integrity of species previously isolated from one another based on fire tolerance.

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