L’enfant en fin de vie: enjeux de l’intersubjectivité
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  • 作者:D. Albarracin (1)
  • 关键词:Enfant ; Famille ; Fin de vie ; Intersubjectivité ; Soignants ; Care givers ; Dying children ; Family ; Intersubjectivity
  • 刊名:Psycho-Oncologie
  • 出版年:2009
  • 出版时间:December 2009
  • 年:2009
  • 卷:3
  • 期:4
  • 页码:232-240
  • 全文大小:136KB
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  • 作者单位:D. Albarracin (1)

    1. Département de psychologie, universi de Poitiers, 97, avenue du Recteur-Pineau, F-86022, Poitiers cedex, France
Research relating to feelings of the dying children is very few. No descriptive method can apprehend the complex subjectivity of its positioning, which is built in the direct interaction between the children, the family, and the care givers. The words and the acts of the dying children reveal the stakes of the intersubjectivity, understood as a common psychical reality within which spreads all the complexity of the conscious and unconscious bonds linking adults and children. Only the study of the individual case permits to seize the incidence of the intersubjectivity in this situation: thus the attitudes of dying Francois, 5 years old, were influenced not only by the practices of the medical team, but also by the absence of his mother during the last months of its life.

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