Effect of stem radial growth on seasonal and spatial variations in stem CO2 efflux of Chamaecyparis obtusa
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  • 作者:Masatake G. Araki (1) (2)
    Takuya Kajimoto (3)
    Qingmin Han (3) (4)
    Tatsuro Kawasaki (3) (5)
    Hajime Utsugi (3)
    Koichiro Gyokusen (6)
    Yukihiro Chiba (3) (5)

    1. Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences
    ; Kyushu University ; Hakozaki 6-10-1 ; Higashi-Ku ; Fukuoka ; 812-8581 ; Japan
    2. Kyushu Research Center
    ; Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ; Kurokami 4-11-16 ; Chuou-Ku ; Kumamoto ; 860-0862 ; Japan
    3. Department of Plant Ecology
    ; Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ; Matsunosato 1 ; Tsukuba ; Ibaraki ; 305-8687 ; Japan
    4. Hokkaido Research Center
    ; Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ; Hitsujigaoka 7 ; Toyohira ; Sapporo ; Hokkaido ; 062-8516 ; Japan
    5. Research Planning and Coordination Department
    ; Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ; Matsunosato 1 ; Tsukuba ; Ibaraki ; 305-8687 ; Japan
    6. Faculty of Agriculture
    ; Kyushu University ; Hakozaki 6-10-1 ; Higashi-Ku ; Fukuoka ; 812-8581 ; Japan
  • 关键词:Stem respiration ; Seasonal change ; Vertical gradient ; Scaling ; Tree ; and stand ; level estimates ; Stem carbon use efficiency
  • 刊名:Trees - Structure and Function
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:April 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:29
  • 期:2
  • 页码:499-514
  • 全文大小:743 KB
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  • 刊物类别:Biomedical and Life Sciences
  • 刊物主题:Life Sciences
    Plant Sciences
    Plant Anatomy and Development
    Plant Pathology
    Plant Physiology
  • 出版者:Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
  • ISSN:1432-2285
Key message Besides stem temperature, seasonality and vertical gradient in stem diameter growth strongly affect both seasonal and vertical variations in stem CO 2 efflux. Abstract Stem CO2 efflux (E s) is known to vary seasonally and vertically along tree stems. We measured E s at various heights in a 50-year-old hinoki cypress [Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc) Endl.] stand over 2 consecutive years in Central Japan. Effects of stem temperature (T s), daily stem diameter increment (D i), and difference in vapor pressure deficit between nighttime and daytime (VPDdiff) on seasonal variation in daily E s were examined by a generalized linear model (GLM). Daily E s exhibited a substantial seasonal variation, which was mostly affected by T s and D i. Any effect of VPDdiff, which was assumed to be an index of daily sap flow rate, was not detected. The GLM prediction of daily E s from the combination of T s and D i showed good agreement with the observed seasonal trend in daily E s. These results suggest that, in addition to stem temperature as the important environmental factor, stem radial growth is a significant phenological factor influencing seasonal variation in E s. Additionally, the intercept of GLM, which indicates the basal daily efflux that is independent of T s and D i, was closely related to the annual diameter increment. Furthermore, a strong relationship was found between annual E s and annual diameter increment. These findings suggest that variation in stem diameter growth along stems is considerably responsible for the observed vertical variation in E s. Therefore, stem radial growth can affect both seasonal and spatial variations in stem CO2 efflux.

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