Sustainable development education, practice, and research: an indigenous model of sustainable development at the College of Menominee Nation, Keshena, WI, USA
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  • 作者:Michael J. Dockry ; Katherine Hall ; William Van Lopik…
  • 关键词:Indigenous wisdom ; Sustainability models ; Sustainability education ; Menominee ; Tribal Colleges and Universities
  • 刊名:Sustainability Science
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:January 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:11
  • 期:1
  • 页码:127-138
  • 全文大小:805 KB
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  • 作者单位:Michael J. Dockry (1)
    Katherine Hall (2)
    William Van Lopik (2)
    Christopher M. Caldwell (3)

    1. US Forest Service, Northern Research Station, 1992 Folwell Ave., Saint Paul, MN, 55108, USA
    2. College of Menominee Nation, N172 Wisconsin State Highway 47/55, Keshena, WI, 54135, USA
    3. College of Menominee Nation, Sustainable Development Institute, N172 Wisconsin State Highway 47/55, Keshena, WI, 54135, USA
  • 刊物类别:Earth and Environmental Science
  • 刊物主题:Environment
    Environmental Management
    Climate Change
    Environmental Economics
    Landscape Ecology
    Public Health
  • 出版者:Springer Japan
  • ISSN:1862-4057
The College of Menominee Nation Sustainable Development Institute’s theoretical model (SDI model) conceptualizes sustainable development as the process of maintaining the balance and reconciling the inherent tensions among six dimensions of sustainability: land and sovereignty; natural environment (including human beings); institutions; technology; economy; and human perception, activity, and behavior. Each dimension is understood to be dynamic, both internally and in relationship to each of the other five dimensions. Change within one dimension will impact other dimensions in a continual process of change. Change can be externally driven or inherent to the dynamic nature of any of the six dimensions. Sustainable development is a continual and iterative process. A central concept of the model is based on the experience of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin and their profound sense of place and relationship with the land that has allowed their community to recognize and balance the tensions among model dimensions through time. This paper provides a detailed description of the SDI model and its development and concludes with short examples illustrating how the model has been used for course design and delivery in higher education, interdisciplinary community planning, and participatory research. Keywords Indigenous wisdom Sustainability models Sustainability education Menominee Tribal Colleges and Universities

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