Assessing introgression of Sahelian zebu genes into native Bos taurus breeds in Burkina Faso
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  • 作者:I. álvarez (1)
    A. Traoré (1) (2)
    I. Fernández (1)
    M. Cuervo (3)
    T. Lecomte (4)
    A. Soudré (2)
    A. Kaboré (2)
    H. H. Tamboura (2)
    F. Goyache (1)
  • 关键词:Admixture analysis ; Introgression ; West Africa ; Sahelian zebu ; Trypanotolerant cattle
  • 刊名:Molecular Biology Reports
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:June 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:41
  • 期:6
  • 页码:3745-3754
  • 全文大小:
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  • 作者单位:I. álvarez (1)
    A. Traoré (1) (2)
    I. Fernández (1)
    M. Cuervo (3)
    T. Lecomte (4)
    A. Soudré (2)
    A. Kaboré (2)
    H. H. Tamboura (2)
    F. Goyache (1)

    1. SERIDA-Deva, área de genética y Reproducción Animal, Camino de Rioseco 1225, 33394, Gijón (Asturias), Spain
    2. INERA-CNRST, 04 BP 8645, Ouagadougou 04, Burkina Faso
    3. SERPA S.A, C/Luis Moya Blanco 26, E-33203, Gijón (Asturias), Spain
    4. SEBO/JVL, Ranch de Kolo, R.D. de Congo
  • ISSN:1573-4978
A total of 350 samples were analyzed to estimate zebu gene proportions into two different taurine cattle breeds of Burkina Faso (Lobi and N’Dama) using 38 microsatellites and various statistical methodologies. West African and East African zebu samples were sequentially used as reference parental populations. Furthermore, N’Dama cattle from Congo, the composite South African Bonsmara cattle breed and a pool of European cattle were used successively as second parental populations. Independently of the methodology applied: (a) the use of West African zebu samples gave higher admixture coefficients than the East African zebu; (b) the higher zebu proportions were estimated when the European cattle was used as parental population 2; and (c) the use of the N’Dama population from Congo as parental population 2 gave the more consistent zebu proportion estimates for both the Lobi and the N’Dama breeds. In any case, the zebu admixture proportions estimated were not negligible and were always higher in the N’Dama cattle than in the Lobi cattle of Burkina Faso. This suggested that the introgression of Sahelian zebu genes into the taurine cattle of Southern West Africa can follow a complex pattern that can depend on local agro-ecological features. The current research pointed out that the estimation of admixture coefficients is highly dependent on both the assumptions underlying the methodologies applied and the selection of parental populations. Our analyses suggest that either too high or nil genetic identity between the parental and the expectedly derived populations must be avoided.

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