An oxygenated metabolite of benzo[a]pyrene increases hepatic β-oxidation of fatty acids in chick embryos
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  • 作者:Ola Westman (1) (4)
    Maria Larsson (1)
    Nikolaos Venizelos (2)
    Henner Hollert (3)
    Magnus Engwall (1)
  • 关键词:Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ; Oxygenated derivatives ; Chick embryo ; β ; oxidation
  • 刊名:Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:May 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:21
  • 期:9
  • 页码:6243-6251
  • 全文大小:
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  • 作者单位:Ola Westman (1) (4)
    Maria Larsson (1)
    Nikolaos Venizelos (2)
    Henner Hollert (3)
    Magnus Engwall (1)

    1. MTM Research Centre, School of Science and Technology, ?rebro University, ?rebro, SE-70182, Sweden
    4. Structor Milj?teknik AB, Bettorpsgatan 10S-703 69, ?rebro, Sweden
    2. School of Health and Medical Science, Department of Clinical Medicine, ?rebro University, ?rebro, SE-70182, Sweden
    3. Institute for Environmental Research, Department of Ecosystem Analysis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, 52074, Germany
  • ISSN:1614-7499
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are well-known carcinogens to humans and ecotoxicological effects have been shown in several studies. However, PAHs can also be oxidized into more water soluble-oxygenated metabolites (Oxy-PAHs). The first purpose of the present project was to (1) assess the effects of a mixture containing three parent PAHs: anthracene, benz[a]anthracene, and benzo[a]pyrene versus a mixture of their oxygenated metabolites, namely: anthracene-9,10-dione, benz[a]anthracene-7,12-dione, and 9,10-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene-7-(8H)-one on the hepatic fatty acid β-oxidation in chicken embryos (Gallus gallus domesticus) exposed in ovo. The second and also main purpose of the project was to (2) assess the effects of the parent PAHs versus their oxy-PAHs analogues when injected individually, followed by (3) additional testing of the individual oxy-PAHs. The hepatic β-oxidation was measured using a tritium release assay with [9,10-3H]-palmitic acid (16:0) as substrate. The result from the first part (1) showed reduced hepatic β-oxidation after exposure in ovo to a mixture of three PAHs, however, increased after exposure to the mixture of three oxy-PAHs compared to control. The result from the second part (2) and also the follow-up experiment (3) showed that 9,10-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene-7-(8H)-one was the causative oxy-PAH. The implication of this finding on the risk assessment of PAH metabolite exposure in avian wildlife remains to be determined. To the best of our knowledge, no similar studies have been reported.

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