Reconstruction of the volcanic history of the Tac谩mbaro-Puruar谩n area (Michoac谩n, M茅xico) reveals high frequency of Holocene monogenetic eruptions
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  • 作者:Marie-No毛lle Guilbaud (1)
    Claus Siebe (1)
    Paul Layer (2)
    Sergio Salinas (1)
  • 关键词:Radiocarbon dating – ; Ar– ; Ar dating – ; Structural control – ; Morphometry – ; Trans ; Mexican Volcanic Belt – ; Volcanic hazard
  • 刊名:Bulletin of Volcanology
  • 出版年:2012
  • 出版时间:July 2012
  • 年:2012
  • 卷:74
  • 期:5
  • 页码:1187-1211
  • 全文大小:2.9 MB
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  • 作者单位:1. Departamento de Vulcanolog铆a, Instituto de Geof铆sica, Universidad Nacional Aut贸noma de M茅xico, Coyoac谩n, M茅xico D.F., M茅xico2. Geophysical Institute and Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, USA
  • 刊物类别:Earth and Environmental Science
  • 刊物主题:Earth sciences
    Geophysics and Geodesy
  • 出版者:Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
  • ISSN:1432-0819
The 690 km2 Tac谩mbaro-Puruar谩n area located at the arc-front part of the Micho谩can-Guanajuato volcanic field in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) records a protracted history of volcanism that culminated with intense monogenetic activity in the Holocene. Geologic mapping, 40Ar/39Ar and 14C radiometric dating, and whole-rock chemical analyses of volcanic products provide insights to that history. Eocene volcanics (55–40 Ma) exposed at uplifted blocks are related to a magmatic arc that preceded the TMVB. Early TMVB products are represented by poorly exposed Pliocene silicic domes (5–2 Ma). Quaternary (<2 Ma) volcanoes (114 mapped) are mainly scoria cones with lavas (49 vol.%), viscous lava flows (22 vol.%), and lava shields (22 vol.%). Erupted products are dominantly either basaltic andesites (37 vol. %), or andesites (17 vol.%), or span across both compositions (28 vol.%). Basalts (9 vol.%), dacites (4 vol.%), shoshonites (2 vol.%), and other alkali-rich rocks (<3 vol.%) occur subordinately. Early-Pleistocene volcanism was bimodal (dacites and basalts) and voluminous while since 1 Ma small-volume eruptions of intermediate magmas have dominated. Higher rates of lithospheric extension in the Quaternary may have allowed a larger number of small, poorly evolved dikes to reach the surface during this period. Eruptive centers as old as 1.7 Ma are aligned in a NE direction parallel to both, basement faults and the direction of regional compressive stress, implying structural control on volcanic activity. Data suggest that volcanism was strongly pulsatory and fed by localized low-degree partial melting of mantle sources. In the Holocene, at least 13 eruptions occurred (average recurrence interval of 800 years). These produced ~3.8 km3 of basaltic andesitic to andesitic magma and included four eruptions dated at ~1,000; 4,000; 8,000; and 11,000 years bc (calibrated 14C ages). To date, this is one of the highest monogenetic eruption frequencies detected within such a small area in a subduction-related arc-setting. These anomalous rates of monogenetic activity in an area with thick crust (>30 km) may be related to high rates of magma production at depth and a favorable tectonic setting.

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