Association between the G-protein β3 subunit C825T polymorphism with essential hypertension: a meta-analysis in Han Chinese population
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  • 作者:Jiapeng Lu (12)
    Qingqing Guo (12)
    Ling Zhang (12)
    Wei Wang (123)
  • 关键词:Hypertension – Genetic association study – Systematic review – Han Chinese – Meta ; analysis
  • 刊名:Molecular Biology Reports
  • 出版年:2012
  • 出版时间:September 2012
  • 年:2012
  • 卷:39
  • 期:9
  • 页码:8937-8944
  • 全文大小:304.2 KB
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  • 作者单位:1. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, Capital Medical University, No. 129 Mail Box, No. 10 Xitoutiao, You An Men Wai, Beijing, 100069 People’s Republic of China2. Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Clinical Epidemiology, Beijing, 100069 China3. School of Medical Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA 6027, Australia
  • ISSN:1573-4978
We aimed to evaluate the contribution of the G-protein β3 subunit C825T (GNB3-C825T) polymorphism to essential hypertension (EH) in Han Chinese population by performing meta-analysis. A meta-analysis was performed in 12 case–control genetic association studies including 3,020 hypertension patients and 2,790 controls from MEDLINE (PubMed) and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure platforms. The STATA 10.0 software was used in analysis. Overall, there was no significant association between the GNB3-C825T polymorphism and EH in neither additive [TT vs. CC: OR (95 % CI) = 1.11 (0.74–1.69), P = 0.61; TC vs. CC: OR (95 % CI) = 1.08 (0.89–1.31), P = 0.42], nor dominant [TT + TC vs. CC: OR (95 % CI) = 1.11 (0.86–1.42), P = 0.43] and nor recessive [TT vs. TC + CC: OR (95 % CI) = 1.04 (0.75–1.44), P = 0.81] genetic models. Although further subgroup analysis found statistically significant results [T vs. C: OR (95 % CI) = 1.50 (1.05–2.15), P = 0.03] in the southern population, but after exclusion one particular study, the significant association was disappeared. No significant result was found in the northern Han Chinese population. There was no significant association identified between GNB3-C825T polymorphism and EH in Han Chinese population. Further larger sample and well-designed studies are needed to assess the genetic association particularly in the southern Han Chinese population.

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