Current State of Opioid Therapy and Abuse
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18.•Fischer B, Jones W, Murphy Y, Ialomiteanu A, Rehm J. Recent developments in prescription opioid-related dispensing and harm indicators in Ontario, Canada. Pain Physician. 2015;18:E659–62. This manuscript provides issues related to prescription opioid related dispensing and harms in Ontario, Canada, which seem to parallel the United States.
19.Islam MM, McRae IS, Mazumdar S, Taplin S, McKetin R. Prescription opioid analgesics for pain management in Australia: twenty years of dispensing. Intern Med J. 2015; [Epub ahead of print].
20.••Mehendale AW, Goldman MP, Mehendale RP. Opioid overuse pain syndrome (OOPS): the story of opioids, prometheus unbound. J Opioid Manag. 2013;9:421–38. In this manuscript, the most appropriate term opioid overuse pain syndrome or OOPS has been published to show excessive opioid usage and resultant adverse consequences.
21.Davis JM, Severtson SG, Bucher-Bartelson B, Dart RC. Using poison center exposure calls to predict prescription opioid abuse and misuse-related emergency department visits. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2014;23:18–25.CrossRef PubMed
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23.National Association of Medicaid Directors. State medicaid interventions for preventing prescription drug abuse and overdose: a report for the national association of Medicaid directors. October 1, 2014. www.​integration.​samhsa.​gov/​namd_​rx_​abuse_​report_​october_​2014.​pdf .
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30.•Manchikanti L, Atluri S, Hansen H, Benyamin RM, Falco FJE, Helm II S, et al. Opioids in chronic noncancer pain: have we reached a boiling point yet? Pain Physician. 2014;17:E1–10. This manuscript describes philosophically current state of opioid therapy in noncancer pain discussing the reaching of the boiling point and measures to curb opioid abuse.
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32.Manchikanti L, Hirsch JA. Lessons learned in the abuse of pain relief medication: a focus on health care costs. Expert Rev Neurother. 2013;13:527–44.CrossRef PubMed
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  • 作者单位:Laxmaiah Manchikanti (1) (2)
    Adam M. Kaye (3)
    Alan D. Kaye (4)

    1. Pain Management Center of Paducah, 2831 Lone Oak Road, Paducah, Kentucky, 42003, USA
    2. Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA
    3. Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Pacific, Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 3601 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA, 95211, USA
    4. Department of Anesthesia, LSU Health Science Center, 1542 Tulane Ave Room 659, New Orleans, LA, 70112, USA
  • 刊物主题:Pain Medicine; Internal Medicine;
  • 出版者:Springer US
  • ISSN:1534-3081
  • 文摘
    Currently, there is growing tension between the twin challenges of opioid therapy for chronic pain and adverse consequences of abuse, leading to multiple complications including respiratory failure and death. The recent data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have shown continued escalation of prescription opioid use with opioid overdose deaths topping all previous estimations. Numerous policy initiatives, advisories, and guidelines have been advanced through the years to control the opioid epidemic. The strategies to prevent opioid abuse and to maintain opioid therapy when medically necessary fall into primary and secondary prevention categories. The primary prevention category is extremely crucial, since it involves education of primary care providers and patients at the starting point of opioid therapy. The education of surgeons and other prescribers is as crucial as the education of primary care physicians.

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