A new Late Devonian genus with seed plant affinities
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  • 作者:Deming Wang (1) <br> Le Liu (1) <br><br>1. Department of Geology ; Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution ; Peking University ; Beijing ; 100871 ; China <br>
  • 关键词:China ; Early seed plant ; Famennian ; Late devonian ; Leaf trace ; Petiole ; Protostele ; Tizikou formation ; Yiduxylon trilobum
  • 刊名:BMC Evolutionary Biology
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:December 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:15
  • 期:1
  • 全文大小:3,911 KB
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  • 刊物主题:Evolutionary Biology; Animal Systematics/Taxonomy/Biogeography; Entomology; Genetics and Population Dynamics; Life Sciences, general;
  • 出版者:BioMed Central
  • ISSN:1471-2148
Background Many ovules of Late Devonian (Famennian) seed plants have been well studied. However, because few taxa occur with anatomically preserved stems and/or petioles, the vascular system of these earliest spermatophytes is little understood and available data come mostly from Euramerica. There remains great controversy over the anatomical differentiation of Late Devonian and Carboniferous seed plant groups of Buteoxylonales, Calamopityales and Lyginopteridales. Protostele evolution of these early spermatophytes needs more research. Results A new taxon Yiduxylon trilobum gen. et sp. nov. with seed plant affinities has been discovered in the Upper Devonian (Famennian) Tizikou Formation of Hubei Province, China. It is represented by stems, helically arranged and bifurcate fronds with two orders of pinnae and planate pinnules. Both secondary pinnae and pinnules are borne alternately. Stems contain a small protostele with three primary xylem ribs possessing a single peripheral protoxylem strand. Thick secondary xylem displays multiseriate bordered pitting on the tangential and radial walls of the tracheids, and has biseriate to multiseriate and high rays. A narrow cortex consists of inner cortex without sclerotic nests and sparganum-type outer cortex with peripheral bands of vertically aligned sclerenchyma cells. Two leaf traces successively arise tangentially from each primary xylem rib and they divide once to produce four circular-oval traces in the stem cortex. Four vascular bundles occur in two C-shaped groups at each petiole base with ground tissue and peripheral bands of sclerenchyma cells. Conclusions Yiduxylon justifies the assignment to a new genus mainly because of the protostele with protoxylem strands only near the periphery of primary xylem ribs, leaf trace origination and petiolar vascular supply structure. It shares many definitive characters with Calamopityales and Lyginopteridales, further underscoring the anatomical similarities among early seed plants. The primary vascular system, pycnoxylic-manoxylic secondary xylem with bordered pits on both tangential and radial walls of a tracheid and leaf trace divergence of Yiduxylon suggest transitional features between the early spermatophytes and ancestral aneurophyte progymnosperms.

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