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  • journal_title:Journal of the Geological Society
  • Publisher:Geological Society of London
  • Date:1977-
  • Format:text/html
  • Language:en
  • Identifier:10.1144/gsjgs.134.3.0399
  • journal_abbrev:Journal of the Geological Society
  • issn:0016-7649
  • volume:134
  • issue:3
  • firstpage:399

5 January 1977 Joint meeting between Earth Science Education Methods Group and British Sedimentological Research Group held at the Sedimentology Research Laboratories, University of Reading

The teaching of sedlmentology—a discussion meeting


R. Till

Teaching sedimentology by Keller-plan

B. Daley

What we try to do at Aberdeen. Problems of manpower and available time

N. Trewin

The project as the whole course

K. Walton


Integrated lecture/practicals

G. T. George

Field techniques

D. Moody, P. Sutcliffe & J. Diggens

Organisms in sedixnents

R. Goldring

A Year II practical on limestone diagenesis

R. Till & B. Sellwood

Clay sediments—a practical course

R. Till &A. Parker


R. Till

Dr Brian Daley talked about his use of the Keller-plan for teaching sedimentology. This teaching system, devised by an American psychologist, is based on the written rather than the spoken word and allows students to proceed at their own pace. The course work is split into units, each of which has a Study Guide which introduces the unit, states its objectives, procedures to be followed, contains the reading list and provides self-assessment questions. A pass/fail Unit Test has to be successfully completed by the student before moving on to the next unit. Dr Daley was dissatisfied with the lecture as a teaching medium because of the inherent inaccuracies in a student's recording of notes and the very different levels from which the students begin their study. Using the Keller- plan he finds that the lecture time is freed for direct student contact. In addition, students

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