Dislocation microstructures in majorite garnet ex
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  • journal_title:American Mineralogist
  • Contributor:Hélène Couvy ; Patrick Cordier ; Jiuhua Chen
  • Publisher:Mineralogical Society of America
  • Date:2011-
  • Format:text/html
  • Language:en
  • Identifier:10.2138/am.2011.3671
  • journal_abbrev:American Mineralogist
  • issn:0003-004X
  • volume:96
  • issue:4
  • firstpage:549
  • section:Articles

Majorite garnets with the composition Mj70Py30 have been deformed in the multi-anvil apparatus at 17 GPa and 2000 °C. The microstructure has been characterized by transmission electron microscopy. It is shown that under these conditions majorite garnet is ductile. Dislocations with <100> and ½<111> Burgers vectors are observed with a density 1–5 × 1012 m−2. The absence of clear glide planes and the occurrence of subgrain boundaries suggest the importance of diffusion and climb in the plasticity of majorite garnets in mantle transition zone conditions.

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