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  • journal_title:The Canadian Mineralogist
  • Contributor:David R.M. Pattison ; James J. Vogl
  • Publisher:Mineralogical Association of Canada
  • Date:2005-
  • Format:text/html
  • Language:en
  • Identifier:10.2113/gscanmin.43.1.51
  • journal_abbrev:Can Mineral
  • issn:0008-4476
  • volume:43
  • issue:1
  • firstpage:51
  • section:Phase Equilibria

The Nelson Batholith is a ca. 1,800 km2 Jurassic intrusive body in southeastern British Columbia surrounded by a contact aureole, 0.7–1.8 km wide, developed in graphitic argillaceous rocks that show only minor variations in bulk composition. Contrasting prograde sequences of mineral assemblages are developed around the aureole in a regular pattern, reflecting different pressures of contact metamorphism. The following assemblages are seen going from lower to higher pressure (all assemblages contain muscovite + biotite + quartz ∠Mn-rich garnet): (1) cordierite-only assemblages, (2) mix of cordierite-only and cordierite + andalusite assemblages, locally with cordierite + K-feldspar and andalusite + K-feldspar assemblages at higher grade, (3) andalusite-only assemblages, with sillimanite + andalusite assemblages and locally sillimanite + K-feldspar assemblages at higher grade, (4) staurolite-only assemblages, (5) staurolite ∠andalusite assemblages, with sillimanite-bearing and locally sillimanite + K-feldspar assemblages at higher grade. The higher-pressure sequences with staurolite ∠andalusite are restricted to the aureole surrounding the east half of the batholith, whereas the lower-pressure cordierite ∠andalusite are restricted to the aureole surrounding the west half of the batholith and its northern and southern tips. The sequences of mineral assemblages correspond closely to the facies series of Pattison & Tracy (1991) and are interpreted to represent a series of approximately isobaric metamorphic field-gradients below the Al2SiO5 triple point, providing an excellent opportunity to evaluate thermodynamically calculated low-pressure phase equilibria in the metapelitic system. The total difference in pressure represented by the contrasting assemblages is about 1.0 kbar, showing that they are a sensitive measure of small differences in pressure within the stability field of andalusite. Thermobarometry results from the aureole are moderately consistent with the mineral assemblage constraints, but carry pressure uncertainties larger than the total range of pressure represented by the aureole’s assemblages. Pressures of the intrusive rocks derived from hornblende barometry are scattered, and many do not agree with the pressure constraints from the aureole. The mineral-assemblage constraints indicate down-to-the-west post-metamorphic tilting of the batholith and aureole of about 10°, interpreted to be due to a combination of eastward thrusting of the Nelson Batholith over crustal-scale ramps during Cretaceous–Paleocene shortening and Eocene east-side-down normal motion on the Slocan Lake – Champion Lakes fault system that forms the western boundary of the batholith.

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